About excerpt. What is camera shutter speed?

29.07.2019 Design and interior

- This is a parameter that determines the time for which the curtains open, closing. Exposure is one of the leverage that we can influence the picture.

In order to understand what exposure is, let's look at the following example. Imagine that you are standing at a bus stop, at which a crowd of people stands besides you. A bus pulls up and the driver opens the door. People break into an empty bus (it’s familiar, isn't it :) If the driver closes the door in 3 seconds, only a few people will be able to get into the bus. If the doors remain open for a minute, then a lot more people will enter the bus. Here is an excerpt - this is the time that the doors on the bus remain open.

But when the shift is unknown, we perceive it as sharp. When we know them, we perceive the photo as blurry or even blurry. This blur is called motion blur. Thus, the described question is excerpted by the famous Czech writer, dentist, theorist, translator and photographer Ludwik Soucek in his book Traveling in Modern Photography of the Year, although most photographers do not speak chapters that concern, for example, processing negatives, such exposure rules are equally applicable today fifty or 150 years ago.

The same thing happens in photography. If the shutter speed is long (the doors of the bus remain open long enough), then more light enters the camera’s matrix, but if it is short, less.

Since the shutter speed is time, it is measured in seconds, or rather fractions of a second, 1/30, 1/60, 1/100. This designation is nothing more than an ordinary mathematical fraction - the more the denominator is, the faster the shutter speed will be. That is, a shutter speed of 1/250 seconds will be less than 1/30.

Therefore, when photographing movement, it is always necessary to take into account the speed of a moving object and adjust the exposure length. If you want to freeze moving images, the exposure should be so short that it is not readable in the photograph.

Scene distance

As suggested by Mr. Soucek, it can in principle be calculated. Of course, such a movement is evident in the picture. But you must also consider the distance that you take and the focus that you use. The closer you get to the scene, the more details you shoot in the picture, the more movement is unclear. A typical example is photographing from an airplane. During this time, the plane moves a distance of about 1 meter. So how is the landscape sharp?

There is one point to consider when shooting. If you take pictures with your hands, blurry photos may appear in long exposures - the so-called shake. Let's see what it is.

When you take long exposures, the shutters inside the camera that cover the photosensitive element remain open for a long time. During this time, you may slightly shift the camera due to hand shake. This will result in blurry images. This lubrication is called shake.

However, it is clear that such scenes are not photographed in the immediate vicinity, so blurring is not so familiar with photography. In addition to speed, we must also take into account the dynamics of movement in some way. Consider, for example, photographing a migratory falcon. When growing tall, it has a certain speed, but we must take into account the dynamics of flapping its wings if we want to be sharp in the picture. It has a different speed when swimming and flapping its wings, has almost no speed, it still hangs in the air, waiting for prey, so that they could have much more time.

It is believed that you can shoot handheld at shutter speeds no longer than 1/30, but this is a very subjective parameter. Someone can hold the camera for longer shutter speeds, and for others, 1/30 shutter speed will be longer.

But there is still a rule that you should adhere to - when shooting with your hands, the shutter speed should correspond to the focal length of the lens or be shorter. For example, if you set the focal length to 55 mm, the shutter speed should not be longer than 1/60.

Therefore, it is not always possible to use one universal exposure time to capture this bird predator, but we must adapt to this speed, dynamics and, as already mentioned, to the distance that we photograph. But it is not as difficult as it may seem. Just a little exercise and, of course, practice.

Given that time is the amount we usually use in life and outside of photography, you have developed a very good estimate of the definition of time. In general, if you are shooting a moving scene, you need to adjust the aperture and exposure sensitivity. Then experienced photographers automatically set the manual mode to set the time, aperture, and sensitivity manually. Those less experienced can use the time preference mode. In it, he sets the optimal exposure time, and the aperture is calculated.

If you are shooting in low light conditions, for example, at night, then the camera should be mounted on a tripod or on some static surface. In this case, it will be possible to set a slower shutter speed and get the correctly exposed frame.

Photo taken in Berlin (Nikon D60, f3.5, 1/2, ISO800)

In addition to the lack of light, reflectors and more advanced compacts are prevented. On some models the display even shows a warning “too dark”. Therefore, the principle of taking photos with a preference for time is simple. The time is set by the photographer, the aperture is counted by the device, and if there is little light, it warns that sensitivity is required. For beginners, it will probably be more difficult to assess the correct exposure time for this scene. If you do not want to consider this, in accordance with the above models, it is best to take a few test shots.

Exposure is one of three factors that affect exposure. This term refers to the period of time during which light enters the photosensitive matrix of the camera.

Let's take a closer look. At the moment you press the shutter button, the shutter opens and light enters the matrix or film. The time during which the shutter is open and is a shutter speed. In the "soap dishes" and mobile phones there is no mechanical shutter. Light always enters the matrix. They simply signal the start of shooting and its end. So in them the shutter speed will be the time between these two signals. In the same way, the SLR camera also works in LiveView mode.

It makes no sense to consider a series of exposure times. There would be a lot in the test shots, and you could miss the key point that you want to capture. Therefore, it is optimal to skip two or three times. Then most of the time, 2-4 test photos are enough to take them in seconds. In addition, you can rely on experience. If you have good lighting conditions, you can get the shortest exposure, but sometimes a 100% frozen scene may seem unnatural.

Sometimes it is useful to find a compromise and some part of the petition. Then the photo has more dynamics and more natural. There is also one method where for a relatively long time you can take a picture of a fast object so that it is sharp in the image. This is called “panning,” and the principle is that during the exposure you constantly observe the subject with the camera. Thus, the camera and the moving object have a minimum or zero speed relative to each other.

Exposure is measured in fractions of a second or seconds. For example 1/100 or 2 "(" - designation of a second) - accordingly it means one hundredth or two seconds.

Standard values \u200b\u200b(stops) are 1/8000 (not for all cameras) 1/4000, 1/2000, 1/1000, 1/500, 1/250, 1/125, 1/60, 1/30, 1/15 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1 ", 2", etc.

There are intermediate values \u200b\u200b- 1/3200, 1/2500, 1/1600, 1/1250, 1/800, 1/640, 1/320, 1/200, 1/160, 1/100, 1/80, 1 / 50, 1/40, 1/25, etc.

The background that will be on the slide in motion and blurred is the background. This essentially moves both towards the object and towards the camera and creates a very dynamic background in the image. This principle is used, for example, when shooting motorsport. Another way to photograph movement for a relatively long time is to use a flash or flashes. However, the internal or external flash mounted on the camera has mostly unnatural flat light, and therefore it is better to use wireless external flashes that are remotely controlled by the launcher.

The shorter the shutter speed, the less light will get on the camera’s sensor. This means that if the exposure time is reduced by one standard value (the so-called "stop"), for the correct one, you must increase or open the same one stop.

Why is it needed? With a short shutter speed you can freeze the image

  and with the help of a long one, on the contrary, convey movement

It is used mainly by more advanced or professional photographers. Adjusting the light angle, flash intensity and exposure values \u200b\u200brequires some practice and experience. But this is another chapter. So, if I had to generalize the whole topic of the short impact to a few points, then the procedure would look like this.

And some good tips at the end. If you are not sure you can capture a key point, enable sequential capture. In this mode, the device expands as long as you hold the trigger. From a series of shots you choose the best. But he also has a negative side. You will spend more time choosing photos.

The fountain can be photographed so

And you can

With fast movement, it can sometimes be a problem to focus on the right place. To make it easier, it is continuous or continuous focusing or three-dimensional focus tracking. In these modes, the focusing system controls a moving subject, avoiding delays between the shutter half-time and focus.

Exposure time for manual shooting

To avoid blurring caused by camera shake, take care of the minimum exposure time that you can spend on your own. The lens focus is used to calculate this time. Time should be the minimum focus. But we are talking about the minimum sustainable cost of hands. Of course, the focus should be 2-3 times more attention. On the other hand, stabilizers make it easier today.

The second shot was not very successful, as I took a long shutter speed, and there was no tripod at hand. Therefore, due to hand shake, the photo turned out to be blurry.

In general, there is a golden rule - in order to avoid blurring when shooting with hands, the shutter speed should be less than the focal length of the lens. For example, you shoot a landscape with your Nikon 18-55. The focal length is set to a minimum of 18mm. In this case, the shutter speed should be no longer than 1/20. And when shooting with a telephoto lens at a focal length of 200mm, you will have to install no more than 1/250. Of course, everyone’s hands tremble differently :) Therefore, I recommend experimenting with different values.

If you keep these few points, your photos will be sharp enough, and you and the public will be happy with the result. And here is what photography is. Light shows the images of this world, and darkness hides them. In photography, light is the basis, and every good photographer should control the creative work with it. Light is a powerful means of expressing your thoughts. Unnatural practices can even capture what you never see in a shared vision.

Old photo paper and paper had a low sensitivity, which required a long exposure time. The scene was supposed to be “frozen,” and sometimes not. The formation of "ghosts" - the first luminography arose by chance. Some photographers began to focus on these phenomena, and their cameras became “film cameras” that recorded an action, movement, or storyline on one of the light-sensitive boards.

Of course, this rule does not concern you if you are shooting with a tripod or the camera is fixed.

In general, using long shutter speeds of several tens of seconds, you can achieve interesting effects, such as these lights from moving cars

The light source is a 20-watt halogen lamp with a long cable wire and sturdy lighting reflectors. This image required help from a colleague who served as a trigger for the camera. Our eyes capture a bright object, which quickly moves through the dark, like a clear line describing the trajectory of the object. This may be a shooting star, or perhaps a smoldering spike of a branch with which children roam around the fire. His eyes see this, but as soon as the movement stops, the image disappears.

Hence, this is just a step to modern luminography. With a long exposure, lasting from a few seconds to several minutes, you concentrate the whole story with one shot. For example, with this simple trick, you can keep the light mentioned in its entirety. The second option is to capture objects that are selectively illuminated by a directional light source that remains hidden in the lens. It can be, for example, a torch, your light painting in the dark. This is the basis of the concept of luminography or light painting.

The maximum slow shutter speed for some cameras is 30 ", and for some 60". If it is necessary to use longer values, the Bulb mode is used. In it, when you press the button, the shutter opens, and when you release it, it closes. It is useful for shooting lightning and salutes at night. In this mode, you must use a wireless or wired remote control shutter button (the so-called "cable"). to prevent the camera from moving when you press or release the button. The minimum value is usually 1/4000 or 1/8000.

My "light" park is characterized by mobility and versatility

The third case is the purpose of scaling or zooming the camera using the lens. All combinations of the three previous parameters are missing. The rest is just a matter of technical execution, leading to the right impact, and, above all, ideas and creative inventions.

You may find yourself alone in chamber or studio projects. For large and large projects in photo studios and exteriors, when you need to be behind the camera and move around the stage, it's nice to invite an assistant to take a picture. With it, you can fully draw the light. He is your hand on the shutter button and on the eye in the viewfinder.

How to set the shutter speed? To do this, switch to shutter speed priority S (in some cameras it is denoted by Tv) and change the value using the selector wheel or in another way described in the instructions for your camera. In this case, the camera will automatically set the aperture necessary for proper exposure. You can also use mode M (manual). In this case, the shutter speed and aperture value will have to be set by yourself.

Which camera is suitable for luminography? Under certain conditions, everyone is on a fixed tripod that sits well and is locked. However, it’s better to have a digital image that allows you to adjust the exposure time of the lamp, in which the exposure starts by pressing the shutter button and releasing the shutter button. Photography is a demonstration that even with compactness luminography can be realized. The icicle is lit by the cold light of an external flash. His shot was synchronized with the flash of the CD.

When using the flash in quick sync mode, many cameras are set to 1/60. I will write more about this in another article.

That's all. Experiment. Beautiful pictures for you.