How to identify a child with mental retardation and help? "I do not want! I won't! No need! I myself!” - crisis of three years of age: signs of a crisis and how to overcome it Speech development of a child

19.02.2021 Design and interior

Before entering the kindergarten, we went through a psychoneurologist. He asked various questions, some of which he did not receive answers from my child. For example: who am I to her, who is she to me; name the season in the illustration (did not receive an answer), name the colors of objects (answered in full); count objects (easily coped with the task); could not perform actions on addition and sum within 5. Nevertheless, the child is active, easily makes contact. The doctor diagnosed F83. Explain in more detail the norms for the development of a child by 3.5 years. Is my daughter really mentally retarded? (Anna)


Hello Anna! Thanks for the question. It’s understandable that you are worried… and even indignant somewhere… I must say that “fees” and “documentary preparation” (collection of documents, commissions, etc.) for kindergarten cause a lot of feelings for most parents, which is reflected in children. And I am grateful to you for the question, because it touches on an important topic: How to most painlessly undergo an examination by a specialist, both for the child and for the parent, especially if the further stage of the baby’s life depends on the results of the examination (type preschool, For example). Therefore, I want to appeal to those parents whose children are waiting for PMPK, examinations, collection of documents and give a few recommendations that may help to help go through all this the least acute.

It is very important for parents themselves to tune in in a special way (calmly - positively) to all kinds of examination procedures, PMPK, so that this does not affect the emotional state of the child during the examination itself, and hence the results of this examination. And this happens.

It is also recommended to repeatedly play with the child situations of conversation with the doctor, situations that they will ask him something, ask questions, they will look at pictures with him, offer to “play”. And before a direct meeting of the child with a specialist, it is important to consider a few points:

  1. 1 - 1.5 hours before the meeting, feed the child (you can use something tasty and loved) so that during the examination, the feeling of hunger that arises does not distract from the tasks
  2. Be sure to say “plan of the day for today”, that your “doctor called for a visit” to play, that in the game he will ask questions that you will definitely answer, etc. It is important that the child comes with good mood with a sense of success. (I often hear this position of moms or dads: “Why should he say all this, he’s still small, he still doesn’t speak well ..?” I would like to emphasize: If your child still does not speak enough, has not learned enough to express his desires, needs and thoughts due to age, this does not mean that he does not hear you and does not feel you!)
  3. You can take your favorite toy to a meeting with a specialist (you can “introduce the bear to other children, to the doctor, etc.”, “go on a trip with the bear, take it to the hospital, and then with the bear - visit your grandmother or in a cafe - for a cake”…) The presence of favorite toys in a new environment for a child helps him to perceive this “environment” psychologically easier, softer and calmer.
  4. Parental calm (“If mom smiles, then everything is fine and there is nothing to be afraid of”)

Before answering your main question (about explaining the developmental norms of a child at 3.5 years old), I would like to start by explaining the very wording of F83.

F83 "Mixed specific disorders of psychological development" This is a residual group of disorders in which there are difficulties in the development of the child at the level of several mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, perception ..), and it is difficult to distinguish exactly where these difficulties are greater, therefore such a vague diagnosis. Therefore, to begin with, I would recommend visiting a psychiatrist (preferably child psychiatrist), a neuropathologist in order to strengthen the accuracy of the diagnosis or the very fact of the diagnosis, as well as to get a more complete and objective picture of the development of the child. Would recommend to pass or take place research of a brain (EEG). If, nevertheless, certain developmental difficulties are observed by specialists, then it makes sense to think about the treatment that the doctor will prescribe and at the same time turn to a psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist so that they systematically professionally work with your girl, show you what you can do at home for the development of the child. And, of course, it’s important for you to talk a lot with your child, read poems and fairy tales, look at pictures-objects, pictures-actions that are interconnected in meaning, ask as many questions as possible, you yourself should think aloud, explain, pronounce, etc. (Experts recommend: S.V. Batyaeva, E.V. Savostyanova "Album on the Development of Speech for the Littlest Ones", "I Explore the World", an encyclopedia in pictures for kids, etc.) After all, we know that the brain is formed and develops right up to 21-23 years, that it is formed in different ways, in its individual rhythm, that mental functions in their development can sink at different age stages, that at each age stage its own predominates and matures mental function(So, at an early age - this is perception, in preschool - memory, in school, adolescence - this is thinking). And since the psyche develops systematically, even if the child has difficulties somewhere, it is possible, by engaging in the development of other mental spheres, so that those where there are difficulties are pulled up. Therefore, on the one hand, I would like to reassure you and say that each child develops in his own way, and this is normal, you should not panic if the specialist noted certain problems. You just need to deal with the child, and over time, the child will catch up with a lot, and sometimes even surpass his peers in something. On the other hand, you should not ignore the information of a specialist, just take note, go through the examination again.

And now about what a child of 3.5 years old should be able to do. Briefly, the age can be characterized as follows:

  1. Visual-active thinking prevails. The intellectual development of a child depends on how rich the developing environment around him is, whether it allows him to explore the world around him in a varied and meaningful way by manipulating various objects.
  2. Speech is in the process of formation. Specialists distinguish (speech therapists, defectologists) the following standard indicators at this age: Indicators of speech development \ Time of appearance is normal
    • Uses words-names of parts of objects in active speech 3 years 6 months.
    • Uses diminutive suffixes From the age of 3
    • Uses prefixed verbs in speech 3 years 1 month.
    • Word creation appears From the age of 3
    • Distinguishes words that differ in one phoneme (such as beetle - onion) By 4 years
    • Pronounces the sounds Sh, Zh, Shch, Ch, L, P By 4 years
    • Notices incorrect pronunciation in own speech By 4 years
    • Can retell a familiar story close to the text By age 4
    • Encourages adults to play fairy tales with him, distributes roles, portrays the voice of various heroes of a fairy tale
    • The child should be able to name animals: wild, domestic. Must know the name of their cubs: horse-foal.
    • Should be able to describe the picture in 2-3 sentences: who is in the picture, what kind of ears he has, what he is holding in his paws, etc.
    • The child should be able to name various actions: the wolf is running, the fish is swimming, the squirrel is sitting, etc.
  3. attention, thinking, memory are involuntary. This means that the baby cannot control them by own will, he cannot concentrate or remember - he pays attention to what is in his field of vision, remembers what attracted attention. (!) Training is effective only against the background of the child's psycho-emotional and comfortable state.
  4. Concentrate attention, i.e. complete the task without being distracted for about 5 minutes; find 3-4 differences between objects; keep 3-4 objects in sight; find 2 objects similar to each other; perform tasks according to the proposed model.
  5. Be able to memorize 3-4 pictures, know a few quatrains by heart, repeat a short fairy tale read with the help of an adult; remember what he did in the morning, afternoon, evening; tell from memory about the content of the picture on leading questions.
  6. Be able to quickly and correctly assemble the pyramid; put together a picture of 4 parts; collect simple insert games; find simple connections between objects and phenomena.
  7. Depict the simplest objects and phenomena of reality using straight, rounded, oblique, long, short, intersecting lines; repeat simple movements of finger gymnastics.
  8. State your first and last name; name the people of his inner circle; know and name 6 primary colors; distinguish seasons; name the essential details and parts of objects.

Here are a few things you can test your child on.

Development of attention

  • Find the same objects in the picture, determine their color.
  • Draw on a piece of paper, for example, 2 houses and 2 bears and draw a path from each bear to the house. It is desirable that these paths intersect. Invite the child to trace the path of each bear to his house with his eyes and show who lives where. If the baby finds it difficult to do this visually, then invite him to run his finger along the path.
  • Offer to color the figurines according to the model.
  • Draw the contours of 3-4 objects so that they are superimposed on each other). Invite the child to find what objects are hidden there.
  • Offer to find several differences in the picture (a gray-red cat, one has a ball, the other has a cube, etc.). If the child is at a loss, then ask him leading questions. Memory Development
  • We consider a picture with 3-4 objects. The child must name the objects. We close the book and ask you to remember what is drawn there.
  • We consider a picture where, for example, a cat holds a ball, a squirrel holds an apple, and a mouse holds a box with a bow. In another picture, animals and objects are separate. You have to remember who held what.
  • Recall the heroes of the fairy tale "Kolobok". Who did the bun meet first? Recall from the picture of animals.
  • We are looking at 2 pictures. The first is a bunny under an umbrella, it's raining, mushrooms are growing. In another picture - the sun, berries, no mushrooms, the umbrella is complicated. What has changed in the picture?

Development of thinking

  • 2 pictures. One with animals, the other with food. You have to find who likes what.
  • We examine the picture, we need to choose a pair for the subject: a vase and a flower, a hat and a scarf, a shovel and a bucket, etc.
  • Find a patch to the rug. A red rug, and it has a red circle in the middle, which is also drawn separately. A green rug with a green triangle in the middle, and so on. The kid should tell what patch to put where, what color rugs. Development of fine motor skills
  • The kid should be able to draw vertical, horizontal and oblique lines of the right size. To do this, you can offer to finish the fence, the rays of the sun, rain, etc. You should also be able to draw round objects.
  • The kid should be able to accurately paint pictures.
  • The child should be able to perform simple movements of finger gymnastics.
  • And in general, work more with the baby with your hands (sculpt, draw with both fingers and pencils, collect simple large puzzles, etc.), because. thinking develops visually-effectively, tk. speech development is directly related to the development of fine motor skills)

I hope I have answered your question. Do not worry, Anna, remember that at this age, psycho-emotional comfort is especially important for babies, and your girl needs a calm and smiling mother.

The body changes its size and proportions, the child no longer looks like a chubby baby. Gross and fine motor skills are intensively developed, motor activity reaches a maximum.

The rapid development of the brain leads to the expansion of the intellectual capabilities of the child. There is a transition from visual-effective thinking to figurative, speech is enriched, memory and imagination develop.

In a fairly short time, the personality of the child changes completely. These changes affect his character, his main activities and relationships with other people - adults and peers. It is at the age of three that the foundations of the image of his “I” are formed and the attitude to the world around him is determined.

In connection with such a global "restructuring" of the inner world, the child quite often becomes capricious and difficult.


Compared to the younger age, there are no special changes in the diet and daily routine (unless you enroll the baby in kindergarten). Long night sleep, one daytime sleep, four meals a day. On the third birthday, you can introduce the child to the sweet.

Skills and abilities

A child of this age is characterized by an extremely high need for movement.Three-year-olds are constantly improving their motor skills. Development comes first gross motor skills- the ability to perform movements that require the participation of the whole body (running, jumping, squatting, turning).

Three year old child:

Moves quite smoothly and dexterously, maintains balance well.

Easily changes direction and stops on the go.

Able to walk on toes, stand on one leg.

Confidently jumps, including over small obstacles.

Catches and kicks the ball.

Goes up and down the stairs, holding on to the railing and even without support.

Riding a tricycle.

During this period, improvements fine motor skills although the child still has difficulty making precise movements.

However, a three-year-old child is able to:

Putting on and taking off simple clothes, unfastening buttons and handling large zippers, taking off Velcro shoes.

Use cutlery correctly, eat and drink carefully.

Hold the pencil with your index finger and thumb, make balls and rollers out of plasticine, cut the paper with scissors.

Can draw a circle, horizontal and vertical lines, the first little men appear.

Thus, the child becomes more and more independent in carrying out daily activities.

How speech develops

By the age of three, the child's speech activity increases many times over. Vocabulary the baby is approximately 1000-1500 words, he uses almost all parts of speech, speaks in sentences of 3-6 words and generally learns the grammatical structure of the language.

In general, by the end of the third year of life, the child's social circle expands significantly: he talks a lot both with close adults and with strangers, with peers.

The speech of the child often accompanies his independent activity, the baby comments on his actions with objects (“threw the ball”) and turns to toys (“eat, doll”).

A three-year-old listens with pleasure to audio recordings, fairy tales and poems performed by an adult, easily memorizes them and reproduces them almost verbatim. In addition, he actively “plays” with the language, experiments with rhymes, and invents non-existent words.

If the child is already three years old, but he does not speak in phrases or is completely silent, then consultation of specialists is necessary - a speech therapist, neuropathologist, psychologist.

How to play

At this age, the type of play activity of the child also changes dramatically. Previously, the game was like a disparate set of activities with toys. For example, an adult showed how to feed and put the doll to bed, the child simply repeated after him. Such games were reduced to a simple manipulation of objects (the kid loads the cubes into the machine and immediately pours out).

Now the child is emotionally involved in the game, its duration and variability increase. A plot appears in the game, all actions become logically connected and consistent. The child takes bricks to the construction site, builds a house there and inhabits it, sets up a garden nearby and feeds vegetables to the new settlers.

But the most important thing is that substitutions appear in the child's play.Most three-year-olds easily “turn” one object into another and give them the appropriate names. A bucket becomes a hat, a felt-tip pen becomes a thermometer, balls become apples. The appearance of such symbols in the game indicates that the child is now able to go beyond the specific situation using his own imagination.

Now the game is the most important part of a child's life, an activity in which his emotional and intellectual development takes place.

Psychological features

At the age of three, the desire for separation from the adult sharply increases in the child. The kid increasingly says: “I myself”, “I want”, “I won’t”, and demonstrates his independence fromloved ones. This period is called the "crisis of three years."

The child acts contrary to any suggestions of an adult, becomes stubborn and throws tantrums “from scratch”. He strives to do everything the other way around, opposes the will of the elders;rejects what he used to do daily. At the same time, ohHe tries to independently do something for which he is objectively not yet ready.

Not all children have a crisis manifested in such acute negative forms. Someone reacts not so violently or very briefly in time. However, relationships with close adults and with oneself undergo significant changes in any case. There is a formation of own "I" of the child.

As the crisis emerges, the child ceases to oppose himself so desperately to the adult. He has a different way of self-affirmation: now he strives to achieve a result in his activity, and having achieved the desired one, he tries to demonstrate his successes to an adult and get his approval.

The child does not just put a cube on a cube - it is important for him to build the highest possible tower and hear praise from the parent: “What a tall tower! You did great!" Now the child looks at himself through the eyes of an adult, he becomes extremely sensitive to how others evaluate his achievements. This is how self-esteem and self-respect begin to form.

Tips for parents of a three-year-old

« » –test for the whole family. It is very important to go through it “correctly”, because the future of the child depends on how the parent-child relationship develops during this period.

There is no single recipe for how to respond to the tantrums of a three-year-old. The main thing is to make him understand that conflicts can be resolved in different ways.

The parent categorically prohibits some things, and the child will have to put up with it. You can’t run away from your mother near the roadway, it’s life-threatening, and there can be no way to show independence. A toddler may violently protest against the restriction of his freedom - scream and break out, however, in matters of health and safety, the adult's reaction should be unequivocal.

If we are talking about less serious disagreements, then you can use different tactics of behavior.

Sometimes it is necessary to distract the child - by talking or playing, to arrange a competition. For example, to offer a stubborn three-year-old to play "who will put on the jacket faster." AT game form you can collect toys for speed or brush your teeth with the doll.

Sometimes you can give in to the child, because he also has the right to his opinion and personal preferences. Doesn't want to eat semolina? Offer a choice of buckwheat or rice. Refusing to go to bed now? Read the book for another fifteen minutes. We are not talking about indulging the slightest whims, but sometimes it is worthwhile to meet halfway, showing respect for the desires and needs of the child.

In some situations, the baby needs to be given the opportunity to throw out his emotions, relieve stress and accept the situation as it is. If you decide not to buy a tenth car for your son, and he throws a scandal in the store, then there is nothing left but to wait out the storm. The demands to "shut your mouth" and "calm down now" will have the exact opposite effect. You just need to be there, hug, wipe your tears. You can even say nothing, much more important - tactile contact and attention.

In such situations, the adult himself must remain calm and try not to look at others, because most often the parents yell at the child, because they are “ashamed in front of people”.

When the child has cried and calmed down, you need to tell how to behave, explain why you did it this way and not otherwise. Educational conversations will be effective only if they take place in an atmosphere of calm and trust.

Important! It is at the age of three that the child realizes that his desires do not always coincide with the desire of others. If you do not extinguish every conflict situation with screams and, moreover, slaps, then the child masters different strategies of behavior and learns to reckon with the will of other people.

The crisis of three years will end sooner or later, but what the child learns as a result will remain with him for many years.

At the age of three, a child goes through a very interesting stage of his life, which is characterized by new knowledge and skills. During this period, he needs a lot of parental attention and participation. The kid becomes relatively independent and wants to do everything himself, but he still cannot cope without the help of his mother. The child has already become acquainted with the world around him and has initial knowledge about it. He often answers many questions himself, applying logic, which is why he surprises parents very much with the ability to think this way at 3 years old. What should a child be able to do? - This main question, which moms and dads of growing kids ask themselves.

Age Features

Having decided to have children, parents must be ready to take responsibility for the development of the baby, and not just meet his daily needs. At the age of three, changes occur in various areas of development, so the participation of mom and dad is essential. Only they can help the child to master new areas of activity and discover all the possibilities that open up before their child. And he will be able to improve his skills and abilities on his own.

If parents ignore the peculiarities of the child's age and do not pay enough attention to him, the consequences can be dire. Mothers are obliged to know what their baby needs and how his skills and knowledge are age-appropriate.

The basis of cognitive activity

The degree of development of the baby can be assessed by the following factors: memory, thinking, perception, speech and attention. Of course, all children are different. And you can not compare them, but certain criteria still exist.

So the child is 3 years old. What should a child be able to do at 3 years old?

  • Know about 1300-1500 words and, presenting those objects that are not in sight at the moment, understand what is being said.
  • Build sentences using pronouns, nouns and verbs, understand basic grammatical patterns.
  • Know shapes such as triangle, square, circle and rectangle.
  • Distinguish about eight colors.
  • Know the concepts of "a lot" and "little", be able to use them in everyday life.
  • Understand the prepositions "for", "above", under and "in".
  • Fold pictures from several parts, having a sample.
  • Navigate in space, know the main routes, for example, the way to the playground or to the nearest store.
  • Solve simple riddles.
  • Draw, make applications, fold the constructor with the help of an adult.

Thinking about what a child should be able to do at 3 years old, parents are always worried about whether his level of development corresponds to the norm. It should be borne in mind that each baby has its own individual characteristics that must be reckoned with. Many factors influence development: temperament, character traits, the amount of time that parents spend with the child. The inability to complete the assigned task may be due not to a developmental lag, but to insufficient perseverance, lack of diligence, or laziness. It is necessary to pay attention to how the child interacts with the outside world and communicates with other people.

Self-care skills

Parents often worry about whether their child has sufficient skills at 3 years old. What should a child be able to do? - an important issue that requires a serious approach. As a rule, at this age the baby begins to attend Kindergarten, therefore, it is necessary to monitor how much he can serve himself on his own.

By the age of three, a child should be able to:

  • Eat without the help of an adult, observing the rules of behavior at the table.
  • Dress independently, fasten the zipper, large buttons.
  • Wear shoes, even if they are on the wrong foot.
  • Know the sequence in which you need to dress and undress.
  • Inform parents that his clothes are dirty or torn, be able to ask for help.

Social sphere

There are certain criteria that determine what a child should know and be able to do at the age of 3 when communicating with peers and other people.

3 years - crisis period

Sometimes parents notice how their baby is changing at 3 years old. What should a child be able to do at this age, and why do changes occur? They are caused by the crisis of development, which is considered normal. The child has a heightened desire to do everything on his own, so his skills and abilities are improving every day. Parents should be patient and give the baby enough freedom. Even if he is not yet able to complete some tasks and assignments, you should not rush him or insist on help. It is better to wait until the baby turns to an adult.

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics

It is difficult to say unequivocally what a child should know and be able to do at 3 years old, but there are still certain norms. Based on them, a psychological and pedagogical examination is carried out.


  • Be able to perform one task for 5 minutes without being distracted and without changing the type of activity.
  • At the same time keep in the field of view about five objects.
  • Perform simple tasks according to the model suggested by adults.
  • Find several differences between objects.


  • Memorize multiple pictures.
  • Learn quatrains, retell short tales with the help of parents.
  • Remember what happened in the morning, afternoon or evening.
  • Tell about the picture on leading questions of adults.


There are norms that characterize the degree of development of thinking:


  • Understand the concepts of "more" and "less", be able to use them.
  • Compare objects by height, width and length.


  • Answer questions correctly.
  • Match words according to cases and genders.
  • Build sentences with homogeneous members.

fine motor skills

While studying, do not forget about it, since it is very important for the development of the baby:

  • Repeat the elementary movements of finger gymnastics.
  • Depict the simplest things.

The world

  • Call your name.
  • Know people from the immediate environment.
  • Find everyday items.
  • Know primary colors.
  • Distinguish elements and details of objects.

Worrying about what a child should be able to do at 3 years old, parents must remember that each baby is individual. And do not panic ahead of time if he does not know something. All classes should be carried out diligently, choosing a time when the child is alert, cheerful and feels good.

3 years is an important milestone

It is difficult not to notice the skills that a child has at 3 years old. The results of development summed up by this age may differ from the norms, but there is no need to despair. This period is difficult for both the baby and the mother, as it is characterized by the fact that the child begins to separate himself from his parents and demand that he be treated as a person. Therefore, it is better to give the baby the opportunity to cope with difficulties on his own, if this does not threaten his life and health.

Then his skills will improve every day, he will feel confident. But parents should not succumb to provocations and allow themselves to be manipulated. At this age, children often try to control adults using methods such as crying or tantrums. In all conflict situations, moms and dads should keep their composure and calmly respond to whims.

4 voice, average rating: 3.75 out of 5

The physical and mental development of a child at 3 years old has already gone through many stages. He suddenly turned from a baby into a preschooler. Parents had to go through a difficult transition period of two years, and now they can, to one degree or another, breathe easy.

The main emotions and desires of three-year-olds are already more controlled, they become moderately obedient, they understand adults well. The child runs fast, climbs over obstacles, can perform two actions at the same time. Children speak in sentences, they can verbally explain what they want. At this age, they are in good contact with each other, they know how to play common games. In a word, the baby becomes almost an adult.

Physical development of a child of three years

The average weight of a boy at three years old is 13-17.4 kg, a girl weighs 12.5-17 kg. The growth of boys is 91-102 cm, girls - 91-101 cm. The WHO table of physical development gives slightly different indicators, the weight of a boy in it is 11.3-18.3 kg, girls - 10.8-18.1 kg, height, respectively - 88.7-103.5 cm, and 87.4-102.5 cm. In terms of their physical development, children at the age of three are increasingly different from each other. They begin to show genetic characteristics, body weight and height may depend on the quality of nutrition and other factors.

By the age of three, the child has acquired many motor skills. He confidently climbs and descends the stairs, alternately rearranging both legs. Plays with the ball, can throw it into the box, dig with one foot. He rides a tricycle, knows how to turn it in the right direction. He rises on his toes to get something, jumps on one or two legs. Babies can stand on one leg for more than five seconds. They confidently overcome various obstacles, are able to walk on an inclined plane, turn in all directions, move backwards. A child at this age must perform two actions at the same time. For example, clap your hands and stomp your feet.

In children, the development of fine motor skills is intensive. They already cope with the designer, even if it contains small parts. They know how to cut with scissors, sculpt figures from plasticine. Children draw well, they can draw a circle, a square, a straight line, some large letters, little men with arms and legs. They independently build turrets from 8-9 cubes, completely fold the colored pyramid. Kids' games are becoming more and more difficult, they come up with roles, make houses, garages out of constructors, put their dolls, animals and cars there. They fold and sort multi-colored pictures and cards with drawings, begin to compose their own stories based on them. Able to put together puzzles of 4-5 pieces.

By the age of three, the number of household skills also increases. Children independently dress and undress, try to tie shoelaces and fasten buttons. They eat well with a spoon, almost do not get dirty, drink from a mug, they know how to twist and unscrew the cap on the bottle. They wash their hands and wipe them without the help of their parents. Know how to use a handkerchief and napkins. They ask for a potty and regulate their physiological needs well.

Mental development of the child

The cognitive development of a child at 3 years old is very progressive. All thought processes are activated, logical thinking begins to appear, concentration of attention improves, brain activity improves. Children of this age become why-whys, for them there are no things about which it is impossible to ask a question. In addition to the already familiar “what is this?”, “Who is this?”, More and more “why” appears. The child tries to find out the cause of certain phenomena, actions. He will not lag behind his parents until he satisfies his curiosity. It is important to give the baby as spatial answers as possible, then his thinking will be deep, not superficial.

By the age of three, a child begins to develop fantasy. The girl comes up with names for her dolls, tries to compose simple fairy tales and act them out during the game. Boys like to imagine themselves as a brave warrior or superman, a driver or a builder. Children begin to come up with role-playing games with 2-3 characters. They are no longer so easy to distract or switch attention to something else. So far, the child continues to break his toys, but is already trying to put them back. In his hands, they can acquire new functions.

By the age of three, a child can sort objects by color and shape. The number of mathematical skills is increasing, kids can count to five, understand simple numbers. Can execute three adult commands at once. She enjoys looking at pictures in books, telling what is drawn on them. He recognizes his parents, grandparents, his friends in the photographs. Features of his vision allow you to distinguish even the smallest details in the pictures, shades of different colors. The baby learns poems and songs, dances with pleasure to the music. Can tell coherently the content of a fairy tale, guess simple riddles. Sorts objects according to their properties, distinguishes the shape, color, material from which they are made. Able to generalize. For example, he knows that a dog, a tiger cub, and a person can have eyes. What do people have lower limbs- these are legs, and the animals have paws. Children also group objects according to the methods of action. A dog and a mosquito bite, planes and helicopters fly.

Speech development of the child

Vocabulary in babies by the age of three increases significantly. They actively use almost a thousand words. They build complex sentences from them, actively use adjectives, prepositions, verbs. They know how to correctly put cases and tenses in sentences. Children know their first and last name well, answer the question “What is your name?”, “How old are you?”. They also name names of close people. They are able to clearly express their desires and feelings in words. During the game, they constantly talk, comment on their actions and the actions of the characters. The speech of babies is quite clear and understandable, they make mistakes less and less, pronounce almost the entire alphabet, basic vowels and consonants. Perseverance and attentiveness in children becomes better, therefore it is easier to deal with them.

Children can memorize poems, fairy tales, songs. Looking at the pictures on the pages of the book, retell the tale that you read a few days ago. They can tell what they did yesterday or the day before yesterday, at the beginning of the week and even at the beginning of the month. They begin to navigate how much time has passed from this or that event.

Long-term memory can span whole year. They know well where their toys, dishes are located in the house, where the wardrobe is located. Recognize people who have seen at least once in their lives. They begin to navigate the terrain well, they can remember the way from the playground to the house. Closer to the age of four, they may know their hometown quite well.

Emotional development of the child

The psycho-emotional, as well as the mental development of a child at 3 years old, reaches a new level. He is less likely to be naughty and throw tantrums, his fits of anger disappear. Problems transitional age are retreating a little. Now he is learning to control his emotional state, listens to adults, reacts to remarks, does not shout at in public places crying much less often. Praise the kids often, they like it and develop a positive attitude towards life. But you need to scold the crumbs only in extreme cases, three-year-old children react very painfully to censure.

An important point in emotional development is the ability to evaluate. The kid begins to understand what is "good" and what is "bad".

When he does something wrong, he expects punishment from his parents, knowing full well his misconduct. He can also evaluate someone else's action, characterizing it positively or negatively. The child's speech becomes emotionally colored. I’m talking about some event, the kid raises his voice from an overabundance of feelings, confuses words, uses a lot of exclamations. His games are just as emotional. There are no limits to the child's imagination, so you yourself will be surprised how original their characters are.

The range of emotions in children by the age of three is more diverse. They know how not only to laugh and cry, but also to be embarrassed, to admire, to be sad. Sometimes the facial expression of the crumbs becomes dreamy or thoughtful. Fears may also increase. After all, the fantasy at this age is stormy, the little one can come up with a lot of monsters that live in the closet, and are seriously afraid of them. Parents should not ignore such behavior. It is better to “check” with the child all the secret places where monsters can live in order to make sure that they are absent.

Social development of the child

The psychological and personal development of three-year-olds allows them to build stronger social bonds. Their parents are their main authority. Children actively copy their behavior, speech, conversational intonations. Therefore, mom and dad need to monitor their behavior with a child. If they quarrel, their communication takes place in raised tones, the baby will be nervous and copy this type of behavior in contacts with others. When parents show their love for each other, the baby will grow up calm and will be able to share similar feelings with friends and peers. At the age of three, separation from your mother is no longer perceived as tragically as before. Therefore, children can safely attend kindergarten, school early development are more willing to stay with the nanny.

Three-year-olds have already learned to play together. They are able to interact, create and remember the rules of the game. They often copy movements and skills from each other, which has a very positive effect on their development. The behavior of babies can be different, someone is happy to give away their toys, someone is greedy. Some like calm role-playing games more, others are more willing to run and jump. There are fighters among children, there are talkers and silent people, some of them are sociable, and some are closed. This means that by the age of three, individual character traits and temperamental characteristics begin to appear. Walk with your child where there are children. At the age of three, without communication with peers, he will not be able to fully grow and develop.

Nutrition and regimen of a three-year-old child

By the age of three, a kid eats almost everything. This does not mean that he can fully eat from an adult table, his needs are slightly different from the needs of adults. The amount of food that a baby should eat per day is 1500-1600 grams. About 500 g is milk and dairy products. Cook food with your child, ask what he will eat. In this way, the baby will learn to make his own choices, understand his own tastes, and be proud that his opinion is considered.

So that the baby gets everything essential vitamins, his digestive system worked well, the menu should include vegetables, berries and fruits, as well as dried fruits. There are practically no restrictions, except that the child is allergic to some fruits. Legumes are given with caution so as not to cause bloating. In addition to vegetables and fruits, cereals should be in the diet of babies. It is desirable to choose them according to the taste of the baby, there are no more restrictions. The healthiest cereals in baby food- buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet, you can also give your child barley, corn and barley porridge.

Proteins are one of the most essential food ingredients. They should be no less than 70-80 grams of the total daily amount of food. The child should eat fish, meat, eggs. It is not yet recommended to give the baby fat duck and goose, but a little pork, without fat, will not hurt him. Fatty varieties of fish will be useful, because they have a lot of vitamin D. The baby receives part of the proteins from dairy products, you can give him cottage cheese, hard and processed cheese, fermented milk drinks. Children are fed with testicles no more than 3-4 times a week. We must not forget about the liquid, the child needs to drink about 600-700 milliliters per day. Practice making homemade juices, compotes, jelly and mousses. They are better than store-bought ones. Here is an approximate menu for a three-year-old baby:

  • Morning meal. Mashed potatoes with dill, kefir, bread with butter and jam.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup with chicken broth, potato, carrot, cauliflower and tomato stew, boiled chicken, compote, a piece of rye bread.
  • afternoon tea. Cottage cheese with sugar, a glass of milk, oatmeal cookies.
  • Evening meal. Macaroni baked with cabbage and cheese, tea, bread with butter and jam.

For children of three years, it is important to correctly draw up a daily routine and stick to it. The baby sleeps once a day for 1-3 hours, at night - 9-10 hours, rarely wakes up. Before daytime and evening sleep, you should take a walk with your child for 1-2 hours. If the weather is good, a morning walk, immediately after breakfast, will be useful. best time for exercise- the first half of the day. You can do gymnastics after breakfast or after the child has come from the street. Lessons for intellectual development with a child are best done before lunch, and creative pursuits move to the evening. The mode for each child may have its own nuances. If the baby attends a kindergarten, it should also be at home, on weekends or in the summer, to adhere to such a routine that is in a children's institution. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to adapt after returning.

It is important to monitor the hygiene of the child. Teach him to wash his hands before eating, after going to the toilet and after walking. Brush your teeth with it twice a day. Fingernails should be trimmed once a week. Bathe the baby every other day or daily. Teach your baby to pack his things after he has undressed. Put the clean ones in the closet, and take the dirty ones to the bathroom. This will affect his habits in the future, teach the baby to be careful.

Classes for physical and mental development

At the age of three, it is important to pay attention to both the physical and mental development of babies. Gymnastics should be daily, 20-30 minutes. Make it interesting and fun, work with your child to the music. Let the child stretch their arms up, rise on tiptoe and say: "I'm big." Then he will sit down and say "I'm small." Ask the baby to stand on one leg longer, like a heron, and then alternately jump, then on one leg, then on the other leg. Lying on his back, the child raises his legs, thus shaking the abdominal muscles. Then he lays down on his tummy and tries to reach the back of his head with his socks. Useful will be classes with a large gymnastic ball. Try to find instructional videos or special pictures on the Internet, which describe exercises for three-year-olds in more detail.

In the development of speech by the age of three, children have made great progress. Now they need to be taught to form their thoughts correctly, to explain processes and events, to express emotions in words. Games with a lot of questions will help a lot in this. Try with your child to group objects according to their characteristics.

For example, find out what can be sweet, cold, high. Prepare cards with drawings, let them lay out and sort objects according to their main features. Teach your child to navigate in time. You can start to master the calendar with him, let him remember the name of the seasons, months. Tell him about the sequence of actions. Emphasize that you wash your hands first, and then you can sit down to eat. First, you need to put on tights from clothes, then pants, then boots, and only after that you go for a walk.

Lessons with a child on the sequence of rows will be very useful. To do this, you need cards with pictures, color pictures. Children can be drawn on them at different stages of dressing, seasons, morning, day and night. You can start games in which you need to select the same objects by feature or find extra ones, create semantic pairs. An important place should be occupied by creative activities, modeling, drawing, and appliqué. Let the child fantasize himself, you just tell him which paints are better to take, which mold will help create the desired figure. Details for applications can be ready, but it's nice if the kid himself cuts them out along the drawn lines. Mandatory material for classes with a child should be coloring books, color cards, cubes with letters and numbers, and other developmental toys. Any kind of activity is accompanied by comments. By talking to a child, you improve his speech.

Classes for emotional and psychological development

For emotional development, improvement of sensory and auditory perception, music lessons and dances will be useful. Show funny pictures in the book, learn comic poems and songs. After all, laughter is one of the most positive emotions, and a sense of humor will help a child to have a positive attitude towards life in the future, to cope with the most difficult situations. Parents should know that in cheerful children, age-related crises pass much faster and easier. Proper emotional development is no less important for a child than cognitive development. In addition, music, color pictures, books contribute to the development of sensory abilities, imagination, and initiative in children. Only in creativity, which is connected with learning, children can grow and improve their skills.

The designer develops fine motor skills very well. Its details may be different sizes, both large and small. Try to build a Lego house with your child, then put a bunny in it, come up with a fairy tale about it together. If you practice early development, you will need the alphabet, Doman cards or Zaitsev cubes, notebooks, albums and other useful material that improves mental skills and logic. The alphabet can also be studied with the help of ordinary books, with letters, drawings and rhymes. The development of mathematical abilities is facilitated by the study of numbers, consecutive series, at the age of three, you can already begin to teach your child simple arithmetic operations. The thematic lesson should be interesting so that the baby does not get bored and does not lose interest in it.


When using any technique, proper planning of the lesson is important. Use all the recommendations that are given in the manual. Only a clear overdoing of the instructions will help to fully achieve the result. And remember, activities with a child should bring him pleasure. Ask him less about the learned material, do not arrange endless tests, do not be too strict. Approach responsibly to the choice of the direction of the lesson, because at the age of three years, the individual abilities of the kids are already beginning to appear. If the child is calm, intellectual and creative activities are more suitable for him, if he is hyperactive, more attention should be paid to physical development and outdoor games. Do not forget to read books to your child, teach him poetry. Only in this way can one improve memory, develop correct speech and pronunciation.

Remember, a website or women's forum is not the place to seek advice or evaluate your child's development. To help identify the problem can only consult a pediatrician or psychologist. All children are special and develop in their own way. The norms are rather arbitrary, and deviations from them do not always indicate a serious pathology. Regular activities with the child, daily learning during the game, love for him and attention, that's what helps the baby grow and learn the world correctly.

How does a child develop at 3 years old? Parents observe many external changes in a three-year-old baby. But transformations in mental, emotional, intellectual, speech development are also noticeable. How can you help your child get through a crisis?

A three year old is a jack of all trades. He knows how to dress and undress independently, drink and eat, wash his hands with soap and dry them with a towel. He skillfully builds a tower of cubes, puts together a mosaic, digs sand with a shovel, can draw circles, lines and a primitive man, recognizes geometric shapes, colors, names of animals, vehicles, and also does many other useful and important things in life. In addition, a three-year-old knows how to skillfully act up and even throw tantrums. Why is this happening?

General physical development of a child of 3 years

What motor skills does a three-year-old baby master? How does his body develop?

  • Gross and fine motor skills. At 3 years old, the child confidently runs, jumps, stands on one leg, changes direction, easily overcomes obstacles, rides a tricycle, catches a ball, goes up and down stairs without support. Hands also become dexterous: the baby is able to unbutton buttons on his own, take off Velcro shoes, confidently wields a spoon, drinks carefully from a cup, holds a pencil with his index finger and thumb, skillfully unfolds sweets.
  • brain and nervous system. Quantity nerve cells and connections between them increases, but the nervous system is still immature. Improves brain activity. The brain also increases in size. In a three-year-old baby, the right and left hemispheres, as well as the connections between them, begin to develop symmetrically. The right hemisphere is responsible for spatial-visual perceptions, motor activity, emotions, feelings, imagination, creative thinking. The left is associated with logic, analytical, rational thinking, speech, the ability to master writing and reading. Some researchers believe that a girl's left hemisphere develops faster at 3 years old, so she can start talking earlier. And a boy at this age may have a more developed right hemisphere - he is better oriented in space, moves faster.
  • body proportions. What changes in the body can be observed? The head no longer seems too big, because other parts of the body are enlarged. The neck lengthens, the shoulders become wider, the stomach still protrudes forward, the shoulder blades are convex. The legs and arms of the baby are noticeably stretched, his figure becomes more proportional. Important feature this age - the formation of natural curves of the spine.
  • Growth. The growth rates of a child at 3 years old largely depend on heredity, nutritional quality, environmental conditions, gender. The average height of boys of this age: from 92 to 100 cm. The average height of girls of this age: from 90 to 98 cm.
  • The weight. Adipose tissue in three-year-old babies becomes smaller, it is replaced by muscle tissue, and boys have more of it. Weight gain is stable, but it is no longer as intense as in the first and second years of life. The average weight of boys of this age: from 14 to 16 kg. The average weight of girls of this age is from 13.5 to 15.5 kg.
  • Dream. The general norm of sleep is 12 hours. It’s good if 10 hours are allotted for night sleep, and 2 for daytime sleep. It happens that at 3 years old children stop sleeping during the day, then you need to increase the nightly rate. Lack of sleep at this age negatively affects the overall development of the baby, primarily on the nervous system.

In the development of a three-year-old child, the environment, education and upbringing play a greater role than heredity. Therefore, the primary pedagogical task of parents is to create favorable conditions for the formation of a full and healthy personality. Three years is a crisis age, with whims and negativism. This is difficult period in the life of the child and his parents. It is important to realize that in most cases the behavior of the baby depends on the attitudes and emotional state of adults.

Psycho-emotional and intellectual development

How to develop a child at 3 years old? Is it enough for him to have the skills and abilities that he receives in everyday life during communication and games? Or do you need some additional classes on early development methods?

Schools of early development: a brief overview of methods

  • Zaitsev's method. The main goal is to teach early reading, purity of speech, and literacy in the native language. The system was developed by the teacher N.A. Zaitsev. In his opinion, the syllable is the building block of a language. The most famous methodological manual is "Zaitsev's cubes". On their sides are written syllables, from which children learn to put words together. The technique can be used from 2 years. Also N.A. Zaitsev developed a methodology for teaching the grammar of Russian, Ukrainian, English and mathematics.
  • Glen Doman Method. The system of early learning to read was developed by an American physiologist. The technique is to teach the baby to perceive words not by syllables, but in integrity. It is enough for a child to look at the written word several times in order to remember it and then recognize it in the text. This technique can be applied from the first year of life. You need to write the words in large letters on separate cards and show them to the child. You can also sign the names of objects that surround the baby in everyday life, then change the cards.
  • Waldorf pedagogy. Developed at the beginning of the twentieth century by the German philosopher Rudolf Steiner. What are the features of this education system? Attention is paid to the development of creative abilities, aesthetic, artistic taste, independent skills. And no early reading, math, foreign languages! The task of the system is to give and prolong real childhood. There are no newfangled educational toys in Waldorf schools, teaching aids. Here it is customary to make toys with your own hands from improvised materials, fabric, clay, wood. The external simplicity of the system helps the child to rely not on the charms of civilization, but on his own abilities, natural possibilities. It is also customary to take care of animals here, in gardens and schools there is always a living corner.
  • Montessori method. Maria Montessori, an Italian educator and physician, founded a world-famous pedagogical system. What are the features of this author's technique? The main task is to support the child's initiative, give him the opportunity to complete tasks on his own, go from simple to complex, gradually master new skills. Adults in this situation are just observers who are ready to support, but help only at the request of the baby. Montessori schools are actively social adaptation. Here it is customary for children to be gathered in one group. different ages and the younger ones learned from the older ones, not from the adults. Children are not forced to play and learn. The school has many game methods that children choose according to their desire and abilities.
  • The Nikitin method. The author's method of the spouses Elena and Boris Nikitin, raising their children according to a special program, which differed from the pedagogical principles adopted in the Soviet Union. Nikitins paid great attention to the physical and intellectual development of children. Teachers believed that two extremes in education should be avoided: excessive guardianship and unlimited freedom. Until now, educational games developed by the Nikitins are used. The attitude towards this technique is ambiguous. Some psychologists believe that the Nikitins had a too harsh approach to children who grew up in Spartan conditions. Their children then found it difficult to adapt to society, since they were brought up in a closed environment.

Advantages of early development

  • The baby has the opportunity to communicate with peers and "foreign" adults.
  • Children learn information much faster in a learning and play environment in a group, and not in a home atmosphere.
  • Good physical preparation and the opportunity to play new outdoor games.
  • A variety of educational games and toys, books, teaching aids.
  • A change of scenery.
  • Development of creative potential: singing, dancing, drawing, modeling.
  • Formation of independence skills.

What to pay attention to?

  • It is desirable to develop the baby according to one method and not to overload him with information too much.
  • It is important to choose not the methodology itself, but the teacher who presents it.
  • The prestige and popularity of the technique does not mean that it is suitable for a particular child.
  • In a group, it is easy to catch SARS, influenza or a flying viral infection, the child can often get sick (although this is an inevitable stage).
  • It is better to choose a school that is close to home.

Outdoor games

The development of a 3-year-old child cannot be imagined without physical activity. Outdoor games at this age should be understandable, with some kind of unpretentious plot, reincarnation in animals, birds, fairy-tale characters. Outdoor games give not only good physical training, but also teach the child to think logically, analyze situations, and fantasize. Team spirit at this age, children are not yet aware, but are already able to interact with their peers. To organize outdoor games, you can use sports equipment: balls, jump ropes, hoops, skittles, ropes, poles, etc. Active games can be played indoors and outdoors.

Educational games and toys

What to do with a child at 3 years old and at the same time develop his memory, attention, imagination, logic, Creative skills? For this, there are educational games and toys. These include puzzles, mosaics, coloring books, cubes, constructors, lotto, insert frames, nesting dolls, composite pictures. At this age, the child is able to distinguish and name colors, geometric shapes, recognize various features of objects, and classify them. What toys are interesting for kids of this age? All types of transport, soft toys, dolls, dishes, musical toys, equipment for water and sand. I also like dynamic toys in which individual parts can be rotated, removed, rearranged. You can not do at this age without paints, pencils, plasticine, mass for modeling.

Role-playing games

The main goal of role-playing games is to introduce the baby to social roles and adaptation outside the family, to simulate various life situations, to develop communication skills, to introduce professions. At this age, children do not know how to play role-playing games on their own, while adults help them. What are your favorite games? "Daughters-mothers", "Shop", "Treatment at the doctor", "Family", "Walk", "Birthday invitation", "Zoo", "Building a house", "Garden-garden", "Trip by transport " and many others. Often such games arise spontaneously.

Speech development

Communication with peers

Children of this age show a keen interest in peers. Children can play joint mobile, role-playing games. But they still don’t know how to organize the game on their own. Some children may be watching other children, but they themselves will stand aside. At this age, the baby is already able to single out someone from the group, show sympathy, sympathy. But he also often shows aggression, especially if the game goes against his rules or someone took the toy. It is good for children of this age to be in a group. These are the first steps towards social adaptation. If the child is afraid to communicate with peers, do not forcibly pull him to the children. You can take the position of observers and comment on the actions of other children to the child.

Crisis 3 years

The psychological crisis of 3 years passes under the loud motto: “I want! I'm on my own!" In a poetic version, it sounds something like this: “Oh, give me, give me freedom!”.

  • Protest, negativism and the desire to be independent. The kid demands freedom, but does not know what to do with it. The only way to declare yourself as a person is to protest. The picture of the world is expanding, emotions and feelings are overwhelming, but the child is not yet able to control, realize and integrate his states. Psychologists pay attention: it is important to live through the crisis without suppressing freedom, but at the same time clearly setting parental personal boundaries. Otherwise, as the common people say, the child will sit on his head.
  • Mirroring the emotions of adults. Children are connected to the feelings of an adult and the general emotional atmosphere in the family. Causes inappropriate behavior the baby often lie in intra-family relationships. The strongest emotional connection at this age is between the child and the mother. If a woman is depressed, depressed, unable to express any emotions, then the child will try to piss her off in order to “revive”, shake, show at least negativity. Of course, the child provokes the mother unconsciously.
  • Aggression. Aggression is a natural biological reaction of our psyche. It cannot be suppressed and denied; it is also not recommended to respond with aggression to aggression. At this age, it is still difficult for a baby to be aware of his own emotions, but it is necessary to accustom him to this process. Many parents ask: is it worth giving change if someone offends and pushes on the playground? Psychologists recommend teaching the baby to give "verbal change": that is, to voice their indignation, to talk about the rejection of aggression. But in most cases, the tactics of behavior depend on the parental opinion, which does not always coincide with the point of view of the psychologist. This is especially true for the upbringing of the boy: “beat back, are you a man or not?”.
  • Tantrums. At the age of three, tantrums are normal, you need to be mentally prepared for them. During the crisis period, tantrums can happen 2 times a week. But they should not be repeated too often and become a habit. What to do if the baby throws tantrums every day several times for a long time? First, we need to reconsider the methods of education. They must be agreed with grandparents so that there are no disagreements. Secondly, consult with a neurologist and a psychologist.
  • The manifestation of temperament. At the age of three, the type of the nervous system is already clearly visible. Tantrums do not happen except in calm and calm phlegmatic children. Cholerics start up in half a turn. Sanguine people are quick-witted, it is easier to negotiate with them. Melancholic suffer silently and for a long time, quietly shed tears and accumulate resentment. It is important to find an approach to each type of temperament. Not all methods are equally good.
  • Overexcitability of the nervous system. In a crisis period, it is important to adhere to the daily routine: good sleep, rational nutrition, mandatory walks in the fresh air. Active, outdoor games should be in the morning. Before going to bed, you can read books, listen to calm music, sing lullabies to your child. It is necessary to take all measures to calm the nervous system, and not to overload it. It is also worth asking questions: what cartoons does the baby watch, what adults and children surround him, what games does he play?

What to do with whims and tantrums

It is important what state the mother is in when the baby has a tantrum. It is necessary to stop the child's inadequate actions with firmness, but also with love and understanding of the child's condition. His nervous system does not yet have "safeties", the structure of nerve cells is inert and does not yet slow down hysteria.

  • Demands and prohibitions. It is important from early childhood to form prohibitions that relate to health, life safety. Also, the baby should already be aware of the value of some items, elementary ethical standards of behavior. But exactingness should correspond to age, and there should not be too many prohibitions. To forbid all the time means taking away from the baby his curiosity, initiative, desire for knowledge. It is also important that the bans are consistent.
  • Restraining the anger and resistance of the baby. This strategy does not consist of directly saying, “Shut up! Shut up!" etc. Direct suppression of anger can lead to self-injury and guilt. Restraint of the negative emotions of the child lies in the ability to switch the baby to positive emotions, a constructive dialogue. At the same time, it is important to remain balanced and calm, not to raise your tone, not to shout, that is, not to mirror it.