What does the construction estimate consist of. Why do you need an estimate of costs, its preparation. See what "Estimate" is in other dictionaries

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    The volume of a word is historically variable, its semantic boundaries are mobile. The question of how and when the decay of the distant meanings of one word occurs into two different meanings of marketing units can only be resolved historically precisely in rare cases ... The history of words

    However, enter a checkerboard pattern and the number of reusable pieces of tile is reduced. Add angles or changes to the connection, and this will decrease even more. The amount of waste can be from 10% to 40% for complex samples, and they are much more when different colors, patterns and communication are used.

    The design informs of a working method that informs about the payment of waste. Make sure when evaluating what you thought about it. Even the ceiling height can affect this - a lift of 4 m allows the use of the highest level drywall, which can be used with a small amount of waste. While 5 m requires small sections of the board to be cut to complete the wall, and a 3 m drywall will require the ejection of 100 mm of the board with little chance of being used elsewhere.

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    1. ESTIMATE1, estimates, wives. Calculation of upcoming expenses and income, an approximate calculation of something. Make an estimate. Costings. Estimated Parishes. Executive estimate. Material estimate. Repair estimate. Go beyond the budget. ❖ There is no one who estimates ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    estimate  - A document that determines, based on project data, the estimated cost of building an object, including the necessary costs for certain types of construction and installation works and the purchase of equipment, as well as other costs associated with ... ... Technical Translator Reference

    In evaluating these considerations, they have an impact. The unresponsive building blocks of the construction program are the elements that make the site smooth, safe and correct. Access to equipment, delivery procedures, housekeeping, garbage disposal, management costs, printing of documentation, property insurance - all this requires payment, but they are easy to overlook when assessing costs, because they are not directly related or cannot be measured in the drawings .

    As an example, a typical assembly requires a pass of 6 m 3 per week for total debris, as well as passes for certain identified tasks. This can add about £ 275 a week to assembly costs without any material builds. But the inability to dispose of garbage as it accumulates is fatal in terms of efficiency.

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      - (budget) 1. A financial plan outlining the desired indicators of income, expenses, etc. organizations for a certain period. 2. The British financial plan for the coming year, submitted for discussion in Parliament, usually in March or April, ... ... Glossary of Business Terms

    DRAWINGS, quick-witted, etc. see sweep. Explanatory Dictionary of Dahl. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Estimates require as detailed and minimal assumptions as possible - which means that your drawings should cover everything and your specifications will be complete. Since building materials and labor rates change quite quickly, make sure your assessment is up to date as well - otherwise you may find it inaccurate. Focus on processes and programs, as well as the “headline” of labor and materials prices. New numbers of construction equipment consist of three components.

    In order to assess construction needs for refugees, a number of assumptions need to be made. In addition to the number of refugees as well. including assumptions about protection quotas, family reunification, and the spatial distribution of refugees. It is estimated that about 40 percent of all refugees are asylum seekers and that about 65 percent of men seeking asylum are their family. In terms of spatial distribution, a weight-weighted uniform distribution across all circles was adopted. With this distribution, about 20 percent of housing needs can be covered by vacancies.

    - (budget) 1. A financial plan outlining indicative indicators of income, expenses, etc. organizations for a certain period. 2. (the Budget) The British financial plan for the coming year, submitted for discussion in Parliament, usually in March ... ... Financial vocabulary

    Estimate  - (calculation) the calculation of future expenses and income during the development of the project (eg, Investment project). The cost estimate of the enterprise (cost estimate, calculation) the full set of costs for a certain period (year, quarter) for the entire volume ... ... Economics and Mathematics Dictionary

    The calculations are subject to great uncertainty, but all the conclusions currently available are problems for the housing market. In the end, housing needs and construction activities are already significantly isolated in cities - closing existing gaps seems difficult due to the lack of construction sites. A possible strong expansion of construction activity in structurally weak cities or in rural areas is possible, but it is likely to lead to significant short-term long-term consequences, especially if construction activity is fueled by significant subsidies.


  • Estimated provincial zemstvo needs in the Kaluga province. Estimated provincial zemstvo needs in the Kaluga province ... E 79/374: 1904: Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1904 edition. Attention! This product doesn’t ...
  • Estimates and layout of monetary county zemstvo duties in Verkhnedneprovsky district,. Estimates and layout of monetary county zemstvo duties in the Upper Dnieper district ... B 23/439: 1879: Reproduced in the original author's spelling. Attention! This product doesn’t ...

An estimate of expenses or expenses is intended for grouping forthcoming activities aimed at carrying out any activity. In addition, there are estimates aimed at financing the activities of any enterprise or organization. The goal may be the implementation of design or construction works and the like. Thus, this document represents the drafting of which and approval must take place in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Then the same mistakes as after the reunion. Therefore, the goal should be to make the most of existing vacancies, especially because the new building also needs more time than it actually is. However, regions with high vacancies need help to include asylum seekers and develop suitable infrastructure. But it is there that refugees also provide an opportunity for the local economic structure. For example, joint rehabilitation of freedom may be the first step towards integration.

Cost estimates are compiled for each type of cost. This can be raw materials and basic materials, an item of expenses on returnable waste, auxiliary materials, fuel and energy, on wages (it is necessary to include both basic and additional), as well as on social security contributions and other expenses.

The estimates are not tied to any intermediate result, but are related to the whole project. That is, it may be the cost of a consultant, training of specialists or travel expenses. Fixed costs are also distinguished - these are administrative and general overhead expenses. This type of cost does not imply immediate payment, but they do have a place to be, and if the company seeks to continue to exist, then ultimately they must be paid.

Having adopted Stevens, the cybernetic model, considers the body as a system for obtaining information and releases complex information. According to him, the body receives continuous physical stimuli that it can produce. Qualitative changes associated with various or alternative physiological processes. Quantitative changes in the level of excitation. . Stevens only accepts the validity of numerical estimates in direct discretion tests for constructing sensitivity scales, therefore his psychophysics is called direct psychophysics, unlike the indirect psychophysical proposed by Fechner, the so-called, because sensory measurements are obtained in relation to the physical continuum.

Cost estimates are a document that should always be kept in front of your eyes. By comparing the actual indicators with those laid down in the estimate, you can monitor the implementation of the plan. Being able to read the estimates correctly, you can always catch the moment when the actual expenses will not correspond to the planned ones. It is for this that costs are required. The preparation of a local estimate will more accurately reflect the estimated costs. As a rule, it includes a detailed calculation with detailed transcripts. A local cost estimate is compiled if the scope of work and the cost of this work are not final and are subject to further clarification. This type of estimate is compiled for buildings and structures, as well as for general site work. In order to compile this document, schedules, working drawings, equipment specifications, guiding technical materials can serve as source material, it can also be information on tariffs and prices for consumption resources and the like.

In fact, Fechner never believed that sensations can be measured directly, but that they should be quantified in relation to units of the physical scale. Stevens' direct psychophysics replaces Fechner's indirect psychophysics, in which sensations are related to the intensity of the stimulus; while Stevens begins with subjective evaluations to begin to build rating scales. Consequently, the direct methods of Stevens are based on the subject's ability to judge the magnitude of the sensations they experience, and these judgments are immediately transformed into a measure of sensory magnitude.

For any project, the preparation of budget documentation is considered the most necessary moment. The information contained in this document must be reliable, otherwise the calculation of profitability will be fictitious. As a result, instead of a profitable enterprise, you can get unprofitable. The preparation of such an estimate is carried out in the basic price level, in the future there is a conversion to the current level, according to indexing to cost elements.

In short, methods for constructing psychophysical scales are designed to identify the relationship between the physical continuum of stimulus energy and the judgments of the subject's assessment. Fechner was the first to develop procedures to clarify the relationship between the physical scale and the sensation scale.

Among the direct methods for constructing psychophysical scales, the most widely used.

  • Estimation of quantities.
  • Production quantities.
  • Cross-mode pairing.
  • Assessment of the reasons.
  • Production reasons.
  • Relevant cross-reasons.
  • Estimation of intervals.
  • Production intervals.
  • Cross spacing matching.
  • Classification by categories.
Method for estimating quantities. Subject assigns stimulus intensity numbers. Here, the subject is invited to evaluate the sensory values \u200b\u200bcreated by various stimuli.

Thus, the cost estimate is the documentation that includes the planned expenses of the enterprise in the coming period of production and financial activities.