Do vitamins help with. What vitamins does a person need? Why does the body need B vitamins?

The body has used up the supply of vitamins accumulated in summer and autumn, and begins to very clearly declare a lack of vitamins. Fatigue and unmotivated irritability are only the first signs of a lack of vitamins in the body. Hair grows dull, skin loses its elasticity, and on the verge of more unpleasant consequences of vitamin deficiency - colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases. The body is clearly crying for help, feeling a lack of vitamins.

What vitamins, and in what form, do we need in the spring and in what quantity to take them?

What vitamins desperately needed, and which ones can wait. With vitamin deficiency (we will call it this more familiar word for the ear, although in the spring we are susceptible to hypovitaminosis), the body needs vitamins A, C, D, E and the entire complex of B vitamins.

There are two polar opinions on how to take vitamins: in the form of multivitamin complexes, or to get vitamins, including foods rich in vitamins in the diet. Both opinions have a right to exist - and vitamin complexes and vitamins obtained from food are useful for our body.

For the beauty of hair, for example, special vitamins are needed.

There is no need to be afraid of multivitamin complexes. The latest generation vitamins do not have any harmful impurities and are perfectly absorbed by the body. Now there is a large selection of various multivitamins on the pharmaceutical market. What vitamins are better absorbed by the body? Of course, it is best to take vitamins in capsules. There they are in liquid form and protected by a capsule while passing through the esophagus. The capsule gradually dissolves and vitamins are also gradually absorbed without neutralizing each other.

How to take vitamins correctly

It is important to know not only what vitamins you need to take, but also you need to take them correctly. The most the best time for taking vitamins - this is the morning when your body just woke up and tunes in to its usual activity. Most vitamins are well absorbed from food, so they can be taken with meals. Just do not need to drink them with any carbonated water, milk liquids and coffee - these drinks interfere with the normal absorption of vitamins. And, of course, the capsules do not need to be chewed, just swallowed, washed down, for example, with any juice.

Many people believe that vitamins are not medicines, and no matter how much and in what quantity you take them, they will not do any harm, but will only be beneficial. This opinion is deeply mistaken. Excessive intake of vitamins can harm the body by interfering with their absorption in the intestines. Talk to your doctor about which vitamins or vitamin complex is best for you, and take it as directed.

Which vitamins are healthier: natural or synthetic?

Still, scientists argue that vitamins found in food are more useful for the body. And their claims are not groundless. The gifts of nature: fruits, berries and vegetables contain almost the entire complex of vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Then why drink multivitamin preparations, if you can get all the vitamins necessary for the body, including more vegetables and fruits in the diet?

  • First, certain fruits and vegetables can cause allergic reactions in allergy sufferers.
  • Secondly: in spring, we usually eat vegetables and fruits that have undergone long-term storage, and with long-term storage, the amount of vitamins in them is significantly reduced. And when cooked or in canned fruits and vegetables, even less vitamins are retained.

What conclusion can be drawn after all of the above, which vitamins are better to take: natural or synthetic? The most beneficial for the body throughout the winter and in the spring to constantly include in your diet fresh vegetables and fruits and better raw. And in late winter or early spring, take a course of multivitamins. Natural and synthetic vitamins do not interfere with each other, they just more fully replenish the balance of vitamins necessary for the body.

What foods contain vitamins necessary to maintain the necessary balance of vitamins in the body

What foods contain vitamin A:

liver, eggs, fish, cottage cheese, milk, spinach, green salad, fruits, carrots, tomatoes, parsley.

What foods contain vitamin C:

all vegetables and fruits and berries are red, all citrus fruits, a very large amount of vitamin C black currant and lemon, in addition, vitamin C is found in radishes, green peas, beans.

What foods contain vitamin D:

liver, marine and river fish, egg yolk, meat, cereals, vegetable oil.

What foods contain vitamin E:

sunflower seeds, nuts, milk, green salad, wheat germ, peanut, soy and sunflower oil.

B vitamins are found in almost all vegetables and many fruits:

B1 - in cereals and legumes, liver, milk and eggs; B2 - in almost all vegetables, milk, cottage cheese, eggs, fish, beef; B6 - in bananas, cabbage, raisins, plums, liver; B12 - in the liver, kidney, egg yolk.

Therefore, for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency, it is necessary not only in spring, but also in winter to include in your diet more raw vegetables and fruits, as well as other foods rich in vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E, and in the spring to take a course of multivitamins.

Influenza is a viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets. Its outbreak occurs mainly with the onset of cold weather. Therefore, on the eve of the autumn-winter period, many are wondering what vitamins for influenza exist and help to cope with the disease?

The virus spreads very quickly. A sick person shares the flu with others for 6 days from the first day of infection. The flu spreads in seconds and often appears in less than three hours. The disease comes on quickly, and the course is long, debilitating and difficult.

Immunity plays a huge role in any treatment. It stimulates the production of antibodies to fight cold symptoms, but is often powerless against the flu virus. A few days after the infection, its resources are exhausted, the disease continues to act, the recovery and restoration of the body is delayed.

The symptoms of influenza are:

  • An increase in body temperature accompanied by fever. It can be insignificant, up to 37.5, or sharp, reaching 40 degrees.
  • General weakness, increased fatigue that occurs simultaneously with the end of the incubation period.
  • Headaches, localized in the forehead, eyes, temporal and occipital zones, associated with damage to the brain vessels by the virus. They can be amplified by harsh noise, bright light, and a simple turn of the head.
  • Lomota, soreness and stiffness in muscles caused by oxygen starvation, accompanied by stagnation of waste products inside the tissues.
  • Chills, occurring simultaneously with other manifestations of a viral infection, aimed at reducing heat loss. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body, caused by a violation of thermoregulation and the corresponding reaction of nerve cells.
  • Lack of appetite associated with a decrease in the activity of the food center located in the brain.

A sick person within a few hours, but more often - days appears:

  • nausea;
  • congestion of the sinuses, and later - whitish discharge from them;
  • sore throat;
  • drowsiness;
  • redness of the eyes, photophobia and lacrimation;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased sweating;
  • limb pain;
  • hysterical, dry cough;
  • hoarseness of voice.

In some cases, there is no runny nose as such. Sneezing, characteristic of colds, is rare.

Are vitamins able to fight the flu?

The recovery period after illness takes from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the complexity and duration of its course. During the specified period, all human systems and organs return to normal. Prolonged rises in temperature, shortness of breath, profuse sweating, weakness - a syndrome that the infection continues to have a destructive effect. To speed up the healing process, doctors recommend staying in bed and drinking multivitamins.

We often hear that taking vitamins until the disease is completely eliminated is useless. In fact, from the beginning to the end of the disease, as well as during the recovery period, it is possible and necessary to use vitamin-containing preparations. They will not kill viruses or bacteria, but they will provide support to the body in difficult periodhelp you recover faster.

Dragee "Ascorbinka" familiar from childhood, which has always been considered the best prophylactic agent that increases resistance to respiratory infections, is actually powerless against them. But it perfectly supports the body, already weakened by a cold.

Vitamins are especially important for children. Every woman knows that it is easier to persuade a baby who has no appetite and fever to drink water or tea and take a sweet pill than to eat a sweet orange or tangerine. Vitamins will have a strengthening and supportive effect on the child's body, but they cannot be replaced with good nutrition.

What vitamins are taken for the flu

To understand which vitamins help you get rid of the flu faster, you should find out their names and effects on the body.

Vitamin A

Retinol has regenerative properties. Any acute viral infection provokes damage to a huge number of epithelial cells that require repair. If you drink at least 1.5 thousand micrograms per day, the tissues will return to their normal state very quickly.

B vitamins

When a doctor prescribes vitamins after the flu, these substances are certainly contained in them. They are assigned the role of a stimulant of the immune system, the action of which is to increase the production of antibodies.

A mildly affecting immunity (B2) can be consumed by people who have autoimmune diseases, in which it is strictly forbidden to take absolutely all immunomodulators. Even those of plant origin are included in the number of "outcasts". Thiamine () and pyridoxine () are assigned the role of cellular regenerators that form the respiratory tract. The substances also relieve the urge to cough.


Essential for stimulating the immune system, protecting cells from damage and eliminating toxins. A day should consume 10 mg of a substance that has a depressing effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

Vitamins help to quickly get rid of the flu and colds, so they should be drunk both for prevention and during illness.

What to give preference: multivitamins or fruits?

It is imperative to take vitamins for flu, but many will have a question: are fruits able to get rid of the purchase of pharmaceutical preparations? You can consume fruits rich in vitamins, but you can calculate how much nutrients obtained from them by the body is unlikely to work.

Vitamins in the fight for your health, beauty, happiness and longevity! These are your vitamins !!!

In this section you can find useful information about common diseases, disorders, ailments and those vitamins, trace elements, food additives, as well as nutritional components that can help, as well as those that are harmful in this case.

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Everyone knows how healthy nails look - they do not exfoliate, shiny, smooth, beautiful. Such nails are every woman's dream! But before the dream is one step, you just have to start taking vitamins and minerals for nail beauty.

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The relevance and benefits of vitamins have been the subject of scientific controversy for several years. Science has not yet been able to prove that our body fully assimilates all the vitamins that we give it in the form of tablets, dragees and capsules. But also to provide information that taking them is useless is also, therefore, by default, we still take it as an axiom that it is useful to use vitamins in pharmaceutical form, and, accordingly, it is necessary.

Of particular interest is the question of which vitamins for colds and flu can help speed up the healing process, reduce the severity of symptoms and prevent the development of complications.

Correctly selected vitamin complex will help protect against influenza

  • Ascorbinkabest remedy from the prevention of respiratory infection.

This opinion was held by scientists for many years, until recent studies have proved that ascorbic acid is not involved in the processes of prevention of the body.

And, despite the fact that the recent discovery has not yet reached the necessary degree of fame for district therapists to stop advising eating lemons and swallowing ascorbic acid pills during seasonal epidemics, we can safely say that ascorbic acid is a useless preventive measure.

But its beneficial effect on an organism weakened by an already acting cold is very important.

  • Dragee from the pharmacy are useless - everything useful must be obtained from fruits.

This myth is very common, but there is no evidence that, for example, retinol obtained by eating carrots is better than retinol obtained from a pharmacological preparation.

In addition, receiving vitamins exclusively from food, a person deprives himself of the opportunity to know the dosage of the substances he uses.

And if a person refuses during the flu from a complex from a pharmacy in favor of a bunch of bananas and a net of oranges, it is worth asking him a reasonable question, why did he even encounter a pathology, if the amount of vitamins he uses from fruits and vegetables is sufficient?

  • Vitamins for ARVI and influenza are not involved in the treatment process, all that is needed are antibiotics and antiviral drugs.

This myth will be destroyed at the first visit to a general practitioner, who will issue a prescription sheet with vitamins. Yes, they will not destroy bacteria and viruses, but they will do other work, no less important for the proper functioning of our body during such a stressful factor for all systems as an infectious disease.

Doctors confirm the benefits of vitamins

Thus, it becomes obvious that retinol, tocopherol and other substances are necessary for the body to quickly recover and ensure the absence of complications after the disease. It remains to be seen: what vitamins do you need to drink with the flu?

In order to find out what vitamins to take for colds and flu, it is not enough to know the list of their names. It is important to understand what role each of them plays in the body during illness.

Vitamin A

Retinol - a substance that is capable of regenerating cells and tissues. During colds and flu, as with any inflammatory process, many epithelial cells are damaged in the body. Taking at least 1,500 micrograms of retinol can quickly restore epithelial cells.

B vitamins

Vitamins for colds and flu, which any doctor will recommend, will necessarily include vitamin B2 - riboflavin... Its effect on the body during flu, acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections is enormous: it stimulates the immune system, forcing it to produce more antibodies. Antibodies are a kind of soldiers of our immune system that fight pathogenic antigens in the field of the body. It is quite obvious that the more "soldiers" the immunity has, the faster the victory over the enemy will be.

It is noteworthy that riboflavin acts on the immune system mildly, therefore it is allowed to be taken even by people with autoimmune diseases, who are contraindicated in any, even herbal, immunomodulators.

From group B, vitamins B1 and B6 (thiamine and pyridoxine) will also help to cope with colds. But they have a narrow spectrum of action: they "work" on the regeneration of cells in the respiratory tract, improving the patient's condition if one of the symptoms of the pathology is a cough.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has an antiviral effect, it is able to inhibit the process of viral reproduction in the body, as a result, the disease gradually passes, as the antigens die. Thus, ascorbic acid serves as a kind of help to the immune system.

In addition, ascorbic acid is able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is known that with the flu, blood vessels become more permeable, which leads to internal bleeding. Ascorbic acid eliminates the risk of hemorrhage, but it should be taken during the flu in "shock" doses - not less than 1500 mg per day.

Ascorbic acid strengthens the walls of blood vessels

It is known that its help to the body will be more pronounced if you start taking it at the first symptoms of the disease. But it is important to remember that on ascorbic acid an allergic reaction may occur in the form of a skin rash. In this case, the drug must be stopped.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol has the ability to stimulate the immune system to fight pathogenic microorganisms. Required daily in the amount of 10 mg.

In addition, tocopherol is a powerful antioxidant, therefore it protects the cells of the body from damage, preventing the flu or SARS from harming the tissues, organs and systems of the body.

Vitamin PP

Vitamin PP or, as it is more commonly called, a nicotinic acid, has the property of dilating blood vessels and improving blood circulation. To do this, a person should receive 20-30 mg of niacin per day.

Firstly, vasodilatation makes it possible to relieve a cough if the patient has one. Secondly, improving blood supply allows the immune system's antibodies to more actively cope with antigens. Thus, recovery is faster.

Drugs or Fruit?

If we accept as a fact that vitamins are necessary for acute respiratory viral infections, colds or flu, a natural question arises, is it necessary to go to the pharmacy, or can all the necessary microelements be obtained along with the food you eat?

  • retinol can be obtained from carrots, red peppers and onions (it is absorbed only with fat);
  • riboflavin is found in eggs, cottage cheese, almonds and buckwheat;
  • thiamine and pyridoxine are found in kale, meat, spinach and peas;
  • ascorbic acid is found in large quantities in lemon, rose hips and black currants;
  • tocopherol is found in nuts, meat and liver;
  • niacin is present in kidneys, liver, mushrooms and pineapple.

Indeed, all the necessary substances can be obtained during a meal, but the fact is that it is very difficult to calculate how much, say, ascorbic acid you consumed after drinking a glass of rosehip broth.

Rosehip broth contains many vitamins

Funds from the pharmacy make it possible to carefully track all dosages, and, therefore, take care of your body with greater benefit and safety... The golden mean will be the intake of pharmaceutical preparations, and a properly balanced diet, rich not only in vitamins, but also in minerals, trace elements, and fiber.

Ready complexes

When you visit a pharmacy, a reasonable question arises: do you need to buy a package with each vitamin separately, or do you need complex multivitamins for colds and flu? The crux of the matter lies in the cost of the drugs: as a rule, by buying separately all of the listed drugs of Russian production, you can spend an order of magnitude less than on a ready-made complex, compiled to solve a specific task - strengthening immunity, improving the condition of the skin, bones, and so on.

For the ultimate goal - healing the body with colds, both options are suitable. It is only important to take into account the "conflict" of substances with each other: some substances can neutralize the effect of the vitamin, and the creators of the ready-made complexes took these circumstances into account and made the recipe in such a way that the components of the drug do not conflict, but, on the contrary, enhance each other's actions.

Fortunately, the issue of conflict has nothing to do with the vitamins listed above, they are all perfectly combined with each other, and the only trouble that may arise is violation of the rules of techniques, or, more precisely, their compatibility with food.

Three important rules of admission

  1. During the course of taking vitamins, you must not smoke and drink alcoholic beverages. Even one smoked cigarette completely destroys the daily portion of consumed ascorbic acid, a significant part of the B vitamins and potassium. If it is impossible to quit smoking, they must be taken into account when calculating the daily dosage, increasing them to the upper limit of the norm.
  2. Antibiotics and B vitamins are poorly compatible, so if your doctor has prescribed antibiotics as the main tool for fighting bacteria, it makes little sense to take B vitamins.
  3. Not only can they destroy ascorbic acid bad habits, but also harmless foods containing ascorbinase - cucumbers and zucchini. Therefore, taking ascorbic acid, you should refuse to use these vegetables.

Thus, the question of whether it is possible to drink vitamins for the flu should be considered completely resolved in favor of vitamins. They not only speed up the healing process, but also have a lot of pleasant side effects, which include improving the condition of the skin, nails, hair and bones.

Vitamins Help Promote Health and Promote Recovery

It is known that a sufficient amount of all the necessary nutrients in the body contributes to a kind of prevention of depression, prolongs life, and serves as protection against dangerous diseases. Therefore, the knowledge gained will help not only to overcome the flu and acute respiratory infections, but also to improve the quality of one's life, to increase efficiency, vitality, energy.