Heat exchangers lamellar "monoblock" pluses and cons. Advantages of lamellar heat exchangers in front of the shell-tube shell-tube and lamellar heat exchangers Advantage and disadvantages

14.07.2020 Homemade and crafts

The task of this node is the transmission of energy from the original source to the cold working fluid: the plate heat exchanger distributes heat using corrugated plates as walls, which protects the system from mixing media.

When calculating the plate heat exchanger, it is necessary to take into account that the apparatus is based on:

  • fixed and clamping plates;
  • nozzles (input and output) with a variety of compounds;
  • mounting stand;
  • guides;
  • hardware with carvings.

Energy is transmitted between coolants through plates made of inert materials resistant to rust. The latter are processed by stamping, their thickness varies in the range of 0.4-1 mm. As a collected form, the node is a tightly adjacent thin panels in which slotted channels are provided. All elements on the front side have a contour recess, which contains a rubber seal (due to it is provided with hermetic adjacent elements).

The plates are uniform in shape and material, they can be made of stainless steel, titanium, refractory alloys (choose depending on the scope of application). For the production of seals, complex polymers based on synthetic rubber are used, they can be operated with glycol and non-aggressive media, ferry and high-temperature fluids, oil-containing and oil coolants.

Principle of operation and scheme of the aggregate

The device, calculation and flushing of plate heat exchangers for heating are based on the fact that the node functions due to the presence of 4 holes:

  • 2 holes for the influx and removal of the hot work environment;
  • 2 holes to ensure hermetic docking plates and preventing the mixing of coolants - this task is performed by seals.

The movement of the fluid in the unit is carried out on the principle of fluxing. As a result, due to the relatively small resistance, the movement of the working medium increases the intensity of the transmission of thermal energy. As a result of a small resistance, the amount of scale in the internal cavities is reduced during the passage of the fluid.

The principle of operation of a plate heat exchanger, based on loops and twigs, contributes to a multiple energy exchange. As a result, the maximum efficiency of the unit is achieved, which has a positive effect and withdrawal of pipes in both types of panels - clamping and fixed.

The heat exchanger device perfectly complies with the operating conditions: the number of plates increases in proportion to the potential needs of the system power. The number of working elements has a direct impact on the efficiency and the performance of heating or cooling equipment.

Technical parameters of models

When studying the range, rely on the following specifications:

  • the material from which panels are made are can be refractory connections, thin sheet steel, pure titanium;
  • the maximum allowable pressure of the medium in the unit usually does not exceed 25 kgf / cm²;
  • in each node, the number of plates used begins from 7-10, their number is determined by the future area of \u200b\u200bapplication;
  • the devices are able to withstand the temperature of the coolant not higher than 180 ° C.

One working unit is able to provide heat exchange area within 0.1-2100 square meters. m.

Varieties of lamellar heat exchangers

According to the specifics of the execution and the possibilities of the application of the device are divided into soldering, welded and collapsible.

Soldering models

There are whole devices, sealing gums are not provided in their designs. Plates are combined with each other by soldering. Advantages of solutions:

  • budget value of the kit;
  • high efficiency and reliability;
  • compact dimensions;
  • ease of installation.

Soldering heat exchangers are distributed in ventilation and air conditioning systems, they are used in turbine and compressor techniques, are introduced into refrigeration units.


Food from the set of panels and polymer seals. Causes of widespread dissemination of collapsible plate heat exchangers:

  • low cost and simplicity of installation;
  • the ability to regulate the level of performance;
  • ease of use, lack of significant operating costs;
  • minimum idle periods;
  • low energy intensity;
  • the possibility of further processing during disposal.

The nodes have gained widespread use in the heating systems of houses and maintenance of swimming pools, DHW, climatic and refrigeration, thermal items.

Semi-welded and welded

Here the working elements are connected through welds, there are no sealing gaskets in the design. Characteristics of models:

  • there are conditions for regulating the flow and flushing of the heat exchanger;
  • high resistance to aggressive media;
  • the ability to work in the conditions of a large drop of operating temperatures;
  • the maximum carrier temperature can reach 300 ° C, the allowable pressure is not higher than 4.0 MPa;
  • node compactness, simplicity of installation;
  • the impairment of the effects of aggressive substances and abrasives;
  • long operational resource.

Welded and semi-welded models are common in the food, pharmaceutical, chemical industry, ventilation systems, air conditioning, recovery, thermal pumps. Devices provide cooling technology, allow you to coordinate the water temperature in the GVS bath and similar public objects.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros applying units:

  • high efficiency with small dimensions. The average efficiency of devices used in hot water supply and heating reaches 80-85%. Connecting ports are located on the one hand, which facilitates installation;
  • low pressure loss indicators. The design provides for the possibility of smooth adjustment of the channel width, an increase in the number of the latter leads to a decrease in hydraulic losses. Reducing the resistance of the medium reduces the consumption of electricity pumps;
  • maintainability, efficiency and ease of installation. The analysis and flushing of the equipment can be carried out in a few hours, small contaminants are removed by the impact method. The average service life of the heat exchanger is 10 years, while the plates have an operational resource in 15-20 years;
  • flexibility. To increase the power of the apparatus, the surface of its heat exchange is practiced. With the growth of needs, it is not necessary to replace the aggregate new, it is enough to add plates;
  • low pollutability. Channel profiles provide self-cleaning due to high flow turbulence. So the service frequency is reduced;
  • individuality. Specialists are calculated and pick up the configuration based on the necessary temperature graphs;
  • vibration stability. Products are not subject to typical two-plane vibration, due to which tubular heat exchangers are usually damaged;
  • blueless seals are easy to replace with new ones, while they are rigidly fixed in the channels. Low probability of leakage appearance after mechanical cleaning, they are detected immediately (without disassembly);
  • the kit does not need a special fortified base and additional heat insulation
  • the average payback period depending on the model is 3-5 years.

The weak side of the aggregates recognize high requirements for the quality of cleaning the working medium. Since there is a small distance between the panels, the channel pollution occurs faster compared to the cavities of the nearest competitor - the shell-tube heat exchanger. Close leads to a decrease in heat transfer efficiency, reducing the efficiency of the device.

Criterias of choice

When determining the optimal model of the device, it should be based on the product specifications:

  • dHW connection circuit;
  • thermal load level;
  • the parameters of the heating and heated medium.

In the last paragraph, such information is taken into account as the input and output temperature in winter and summer periods, potential consumption of the medium and permissible pressure loss, the percentage of power reserve. This information is taken as a basis when calculating the performance of a plate heat exchanger.

Mounting and Connection Nuances

The heat exchanger applies only in the bundle and does not imply independent use. The unit during the installation surrounds with auxiliary equipment, such as check valves, control and measuring devices in the form of thermometers and pressure gauges, shut -ling fittings (Manual valves and valves), circulation pumps.

Connection is made according to one of the following schemes:

  • single-stage parallel (independent) method;
  • two-stage mixed;
  • two-stage serial.

In the first case, a pretty savings of the useful area in the installation zone are formed. The key advantage of this method is the simplicity of execution (which is important in the conditions of repair, maintenance, replacement of the node). The lack of the methodology is the absence of the possibility of heating the cold work environment.

With a two-stage mixed method, the temperature of the incoming coolant increases due to the reverse flow, as a result, the ligament efficiency increases by 35-40%. But in this case, to ensure hot water, you will have to provide for two heat exchanger in the system, which increases the cost of purchasing and installing equipment.

The serial two-stage method allows to increase the efficiency of using the work environment and stabilize the load on the network. Compared to a parallel scheme, the coolant costs are reduced by 50%, against the background of a mixed method - by 25%. The only drawback of the solution is the inability to complete the automation of the thermal node.

Scope of use of equipment

The models under consideration are used in utilities to achieve the following goals:

  • additional warming of the medium in hot water supply;
  • heating water in pools and boiler;
  • ensuring an independent contour of heating from CTP or CHP;
  • ventilation of the premises;
  • laying of warm floors.

In such conditions, the maximum water temperature can be 180 ° C on the background of pressure within 10-16 kPa. Plates are made of 0.4 mm thick stainless steel, ethylene propylene is used for seals.

In the food industry, heat exchangers are involved in production vegetable oils, dairy products, alcohol, sugar, beer. They are used as elements of evaporative, cooled, pasteurizing lines. Soldane and collapsible models are relevant here.

In metallurgy, lamellar components are included in the equipment for cooling the working fluids. In the industry in intensive cooling, melting furnaces, rolling and casting mechanisms, coarse solutions, hydraulic lubricants are needed.

Heat exchangers in the oil and gas sphere help to warm up and cool liquids, substances involved in cracking and technological preparation of raw materials. The aggregates are used as partial parts of network systems, water treatment equipment, low pressure provision. The plates for the gas and oil industry are manufactured on the basis of pure titanium in the form of sheets with a thickness of not more than 0.7 mm. The polymer brands applied to the production of sealing pads are presented with high requirements for chemical and thermal exposure requirements.

Plate heat exchangers, in demand in shipbuilding, serve as coolers for the entire system and the main engine. Carriers in such conditions are motor oilsdiffering in viscosity sea \u200b\u200bwater, Coolant The aggregates are also relevant as part of heating contours and DHW on large sea ships.

Currently, the "Heating APV" carries out the assembly of 12 types of collapsible plate heat exchangers with plates of the APV production (Table 1). The plates used in the process of assembling heat exchangers have a different profile of the working surface and an area of \u200b\u200b0.018 m2 to 2.0 m2.

Plate heat exchangers produced by Heatshop APV under license from APV / SPX Flow Technology (Denmark)

Collapsible, single-way Strip material - Rubber NBR
Max. Operating temperature - 140 °
Plate material - Steel AISI 316 Gasket material - EPDM rubber
Max. Operating temperature - 160 °
Plate thickness - 0.4-0.7 mm Strip material - Rubber Viton
Max. Operating temperature - 200 °
Working pressure - 1-2.5 MPa

Table 1. Specifications of plate collapsible heat exchangers

NEW NAMEOld nameMax. Water consumption, kg / sDiameter of compounds, mmPlate area, m 2Max. The area of \u200b\u200bthe heat exchanger, m 2
Heatack 20sU2.1,83 20 0,018 1,13
Heatack 32-ATR15,56 32 0,061 4,21
Heatack 50sSR211,76 50 0,172 11,87
Heat Shemp 65-AH1722,22 65 0,17 10,03
Heatack 80sN35 DH30,56 80 0,35 43,05
Heatack 80-BN35 MGS.30,56 80 0,35 58,80
Heat Sheet 100O034.47,1 100 0,338 70,30
Heatack 100-BO050.47,1 100 0,497 125,74
Heatack 100-CQ030.47,1 100 0,288 86,98
Heatack 100-DQ055.47,1 100 0,565 163,85
Heatack 100-EQ080.47,1 100 0,82 233,70
Heatack 150-AA055.102,78 150 0,55 179,85
Heatack 150-BA085.102,78 150 0,852 278,60
Heatack 200-AJ060247 200 0,524 242,09
Heatack 200-CJ107.247 200 0,991 457,84
Heatack 200-EJ185247 200 1,768 1 382,58
Heatack 250-CJ250390 250 0,991 457,84

APV plates have a number of advantages compared to plates of other manufacturers of heat exchange equipment:

Channels formed by the APV plates have a slightly more

cross section than in collapsible plate heat exchangers other firms producing heat exchangers.

Thanks to this, they slowly clogged. This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of maintenance of the collapsible plate heat exchange unit, resort to the washing of the heat exchanger.

On the plates of the collapsible plate heat exchanger, a special notch is made in the distribution part near the holes, which allows to level the resistance in the width of the channel and ensure uniform flow around the working surface of the plate plate heat exchanger plate, eliminating stagnant zones;

The APV produces a plate with a so-called cramping system, which makes the design of the collapsible heat exchanger device with more rigid. Special stamping in the corners of the heat exchanger plates simplifies their center in the package. This is especially true if the heat exchange unit consists of a large number of plates;

The edge of the heat exchanger plate supporting rubber seals is improved. Method for fastening Paraclip or EasyClip seals without glue use.

Clementing system

Reliable fixation of pads

Corrugated design provides uniform flow distribution

In the heat exchange apparatus, the plates of one sizes may have an angle of inclination of the corrugation to the horizontal axis of 30 ° (the so-called "hard" plates) and 60 ° ("soft" plates). For rigid plates, high thermal performance and large pressure losses are characterized, for soft plates - less thermal performance and smaller pressure losses. In one plate, the heat exchange apparatus is allowed to use rigid, and soft plates. This is another way to close as much as possible to the predetermined performance of the plate heat exchanger and the permitting loss of the pressure at the minimum heating surface of the heat exchanger.

In 2001, a fundamentally new series of plates Q030, Q055, Q080, which, in addition to modifications with a different angle of inclination, has a modification with different depth of corrugations, has been developed for folding plates APV. The petty corrugation (Energy Saver) allows you to have a greater thermal productivity of the heat exchanger at high pressure losses. Dura Flow plates are ideal for viscous liquids, for example, for oils, or at low allowable pressure losses.

Another successful APV solution is the production for plate heat exchangers of a series of plates with the same flow-through profile, the same diameters of the compounds and the width of the plate, but with different heights.

For example: N25, N35, N55; Q030, Q055, Q080; A055, A085, A145; J060, j092, j107, j185, etc.

In addition to other merits, such a solution allows you to calculate always one-way plate heat exchangers, which is very convenient for operation. In other words, when a heat exchange device is required with a large reduced plate, the APV is calculated by one-limted plate heat exchangers with a longer plate, while other companies producing heat exchange equipment are forced to choose multi-plate plate heat exchangers.

For particularly strict conditions in which lamellar heat exchange equipment are often used, where one medium to another is absolutely unacceptable, the APV has been developed with a dual wall (DUO Safety).

All listed features of the APV plates allow you to produce reliable plate heat exchangers with the optimally selected surface and layout.

On the plates in the distribution part near the holes, a special notch is made, which allows to align the resistance in the width of the channel and ensure uniform flow around the working surface of the plate;

APV developed plates with the so-called cradle system, which makes the device more rigid;

Advanced the edge of the plate supporting the gasket;

Plates of the same size can have angle of inclination of the corrugation to the horizontal axis of 30 ° (the so-called "hard" plates) and 60 ° ("soft" plates). For rigid plates, high thermal performance and large pressure losses are characterized, for soft plates - less thermal performance and smaller pressure losses. In one device, hard, and soft plates are allowed. This is another way to get closer as possible to a given productivity and permissible pressure losses at a minimum heating surface;

In 2000, the APV developed a fundamentally new series of plates (Q030, Q055, Q080), which, in addition to modifications with a different angle of inclination of the corrugation, has a modification with different depth of corrugations, which significantly expands the capabilities of the devices;

The plates of the most used types have several modifications in height with the same diameters of the compounds and the same width. This is another additional means to achieve the optimal layout of the device. For example, with high impact loss or large ranges of heat transfer temperature in the heat exchanger, the heat exchanger "Heat and APF" will choose a plate with a large reduced channel length, while other manufacturers are likely to buy a heat exchanger two-way; Many shortcomings of two-way layout will be listed below;

APV developed, and "Heat APV" plates are used with dual walls in cases where one medium hit to another should be completely excluded.

To ensure proper quality of heat exchange equipment at the enterprise, a quality control service has been created: a certificate of compliance of the production of Rosstandart ISO 9001 and a hygienic certificate for lamellar heat exchangers.

Certified service service "Teplotk APB" carries out a full range of work on the maintenance of plate heat exchangers manufactured by the production of "Teplotek APV" in the warranty and post-warranty periods:

* Collapsible flushing of a plate heat exchanger;

* chemical cleaning of a plate heat exchanger;

* replacement of gaskets (seals) in a plate heat exchanger;

* Periodic inspections and tests for the flow of a plate heat exchanger;

* Replace plates in the heat exchange device.

To date, the design of the lamellar heat exchangers manufactured by Heat Play APV is the most advanced in the field of solving problems set for manufacturers of heat exchangers. The Teplotek APV enterprise sincerely hopes for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation with specialists of the fuel and energy complex of Russia.

When moving along the interplasteen channel, the heated medium flows down the wavy surface of the plates heated from the reverse side of the brass medium. The heated medium then falls into the longitudinal collector and comes out of the device through another fitting.

The warming medium moves in the apparatus to meet the heated and enters the fitting, passes through the bottom collector, is distributed over the channels and moves along it. Through the upper collector and the soaring environment, the warming medium comes out of the heat exchanger.

The main hub of the heat exchanger is the heat transfer plate. The general type of plate with gasket is shown in the picture. Appearance ("Figure" of the plates) is a business card of any heat exchanger. The "Figure" should provide a uniform distribution of the flow along the entire surface of the plate, high flow turbulence even at low speeds, and at the same time provide the necessary stiffness of the plate.

The plates are assembled in the package in such a way that each subsequent plate is rotated 180 o relatively adjacent, which creates a uniform grid of intersection and mutual points of the corrugation vertices.

Between each pair of plates, the slit channel of the complex shape, for which the working environment proceeds. Such channels received the name of the net - stream. The fluid when moving in them makes a spatial three-dimensional winding movement, at which the turbulization of the flow occurs.

A feature of the channels is that the total cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe inter-plastic channel, perpendicular to the main direction of movement of the fluid flow, remains constant along the entire length of the plate, except for the input and output sites. The arrangement of collector holes for the input and output of the working medium on the corners of the plate is one-sided (left or right).

The type of protection of the plates and their number, installed in the frame, depend on the operational requirements for the plastic heat exchanger. Plates are stamped from corrosive sheet metal, brands AISI-316, AISI-321, titanium and others. By contour of the plate there is a groove for rubber sealing pads. The angular holes for passing the working medium have a form that reduces the hydraulic resistances at the inlet in the channel and the outlet of it, a decrease in deposits on these sites and allowing more rationally to use the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe plate for heat exchange.

Advantages of applying and operating lamellar heat exchangers

1. Efficiency and simplicity of service. When clogged, the PTO can be disassembled, washed and assembled by two employees of low qualifications within 4-6 hours. When servicing the hubwood heat exchangers (CTO), the process of cleaning the tubes often leads to their destruction and blockage.

2. Low pollutability of the heat exchange surface due to the high turbulence of the fluid flow formed by the rifer, as well as high-quality polishing of heat exchange plates.

3. The service life of the first faulting unit of the sealing gasket reaches 10 years. The term of the heat exchange plates is 15-20 years. The cost of replacing seals from the cost of PTOs varies in the range of 15-25%, which is more economical than a similar process of replacing the brass pipe group in the CTO, which is 80-90% of the cost of the apparatus.

4. The cost of Montage PTO is 2-4% of the cost of the equipment, respectively. What is lower by an order than the leather-cutting heat exchanger.

5. Even the coolant with a lowered temperature in heat supply systems allows you to heat the water in PTO to the desired temperature.

6. The individual calculation of each PTO according to the original program of the manufacturer allows you to choose its configuration in accordance with the hydraulic and temperature modes on both contours. The calculation is made within 1-2 hours.

7. Flexibility: If necessary, the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe heat exchange surface in the plate heat exchanger can be easily reduced or increased simple addition or cutting plates if necessary.

8. Two-stage DHW system, implemented in one heat exchanger, allows you to significantly save on the installation and reduce the required area under the individual heat item.

9. Condensation of water vapor in PTO relieves the question of a special cooler, because Condensate temperature can be 50 ° C and below.

10. Resistance to vibrations: high-resistant plate heat exchangers to the induced two-plane vibration, which can cause damage to the tubular machine.

Output: The use of new technological equipment allows, along with the cost of initial costs (20-30%), go to other modes of operation. It is achieved more efficient use of energy sources, an increase in their efficiency. Payback to re-equipment of objects in heat energy ranges from 2 to 5 years, and in some cases reaches several months.

With analysis russian market Plastic heat exchangers you can get acquainted in the report of the Academy of Industrial Markets Conjuncture " Market of lamellar heat exchangers in Russia ».

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About the author:
Academy of Industrial Market Conjuncture
Provides three types of services related to market analysis, technologies and projects in industrial sectors - conducting marketing research, the development of TEO and business plans for investment projects.
. Marketing research
. Economic Justification
. Business planning

The two-stage mixed water supply system, implemented on such a type of plate heat exchangers, as a monoblock has long been known. Monoblock - Special type of plate heat exchanger for two-stage gVS systemsIn which both steps are placed in one case, such a heat exchanger has six pipes.

  • H1 - the inlet of the reverse heat carrier from the heating system.
  • H2 is the input of the circulation water of the DHW.
  • H3 - the output of the heated water of the DHW.
  • H4 - the entrance of the hot heat carrier from the heating network.
  • F3 - inlet of cold tap water.
  • F4 - the outlet of the total reverse heat carrier in the heating network.

The breadth of the application of the monoblock was led by the following factors: a large compactness, compared to two separate heat exchangers, and, accordingly, a smaller cost. These same factors are the main and, perhaps, the only pluses of the monoblock. Let's try to decide on the minuses.

"Easy" mounting

It seems natural to mount a small machine much easier than two of the same. But what do we get as a result of the mounting of the monoblock? The mounted monoblock looks like a spiderman, enclosed by garlands of reinforcement pipelines and measuring instruments, if they are present, of course. Immediately loses such an important thing as convenience of service. If all pipes are located on a fixed plate (H1-H4) in a regular plate (H1-H4) and for its maintenance and repair, it is only necessary to disconnect the heat exchanger and resetting the pressure, then for disassembling the monoblock, disconnecting the nozzles from the movable rear plate. Further, if the rear plate pipelines overlap access to the monoblock heat exchanger, it also complicates access to it. That is, for normal operation, the monoblock should, first, make a competent binding project to existing coolant pipelines, cold and hot water in order to ensure normal access for maintenance and repair. And, secondly, it should be provided with a special version of fastening pipelines to the rear plate (through any removable elements) in order to ensure the mobility of the back plate without moving the heat exchanger from the place. Therefore, often mounted monoblock occupies no less than two separate heat exchanger.

Reliability issues

Naturally, two separate devices are more reliable than one that performs the same function. What do we have at the failure of one of the heat exchangers? In this case, we will be able to work with partial load of the GWS system, while repaired or served the second. The monoblock at the failure of even one of the steps should be removed from the work all, since the case is one on both steps.

Functionality, efficiency

The selection of a monoblock heat exchanger also has its own nuances. Often it is difficult or practically impossible to create a monoblock layout of a two-stage mixed DHW circuit, in efficiency equal to two separate heat exchangers. This is due to the fact that the type of plate is used in the monoblock for both steps one. And within the thermophysical properties of this type, we have to solve the task of laying packets for both steps, while the first and second steps may vary, at a minimum, by expenses, especially by the side of the coolant. For example, the requirements for the first stage are the ability to skip the total consumption of the heat carrier of the heating system and the coolant of the second stage when providing small hydraulic resistances and the average heat unit. The requirements for the second stage are relatively small costs of the heat carrier and water and WAT WATER, higher permissible hydraulic resistance and significantly larger heat supply. That is, if it were two separate heat exchanger, the first stage heat exchanger should be with a large diameter of nozzles and with a "short" plate, and the heat exchanger of the second stage with a smaller diameter of the nozzle and a longer plate.

Consider the option of task for selecting equipment for a two-stage mixed circuit. Showing data are as follows: Load system of DHW 0.4 Gcal / h, heating of cold water from 5 ° C to 60 ° C, loading system 1.2 Gcal / h, temperature schedule 150/70.

By breaking the load on steps, in accordance with the SP 41-101-95 for the specified conditions, we obtain the initial data for the selection of heat exchangers of steps:

I step

Stage II

* NTU - The number of heat transfer units. Heat engineering. V. N. Lukanin, M. G. Shatrov et al., Higher School, Moscow, 1999.

In fact, the NTU value characterizes that thermal mode on which the heat exchanger will operate. The more NTU, the greater there should be a thermal "length" of the heat exchanger plate.

In our case, it can be seen that the heat exchanger of the second stage should have a greater, almost 50%, the ability to the heating light (thermal "long") than the heat exchanger of the first stage. In addition, the costs of the warming side of both steps differ almost three times. This means that if the du32 nozzles are sufficient for the heat exchanger of the second stage, then for the heat exchanger of the first stage, the nozzles must be larger, no less du50.

Pack of plates

As noted above, the monoblock is, in fact, two heat exchanger placed in the same frame. So, the two packages of plates placed in the same frame separated by a reversal plate having two (upper or lower) deaf hole holes. Typically closer to the stationary plate is a package of the second stage, and behind it the package of the first stage. But from the infectious functions performed by these packages (see above), they have different layouts and the number of plates. If all these packages are in one package, there is a possibility that in the service process there will be an error when assembling the entire package of monoblock plates. That is, if after disassembling the monoblock packages to change places or incorrectly complicate them (for example, the plates of the first stage with a low heat "long" to install for the second stage and vice versa), then again gathering the device, we will not get those characteristics that were Initially laid in it.

With two separate devices, the situation is easier. In this case, even incorrectly by collecting the entire package, we will not get such a fatal reduction in thermal power, expenses and changes in hydraulic resistance, as in the case of a monoblock.

Summing up, we will reduce all the pros and cons of a plate heat exchanger with a monoblock layout into one table.

Pros and cons


  • Little initial cost.
  • Separately monoblock compact two heat exchangers.


  • A more complex installation and inconvenience in the maintenance of blasts on the presser cooker.
  • Less reliability.
  • Less efficient work.
  • Requirement when assembling a package of plates.


Each decides for himself, that it is more important to him - saving money or more reliable equipment.

Below is a list of the basic advantages of collapsible PTOs.

1. Compactness and high efficiency

The efficiency of a lamellar heat exchanger for heating and hot water supply 80-85%. With relatively small sizes, the total surface area of \u200b\u200ball plates can reach several square kilometers. 99.0-99.8% of the total area is the heat transfer surface. Connecting ports are on one side, it simplifies installation and connection. The two-stage heat exchanger allows you to reduce the area for ITP (individual heat item). When carrying out repair work, a smaller area is required than when using a shell-and-tube heat exchanger.

2. Low pressure loss in PTO

The design of the plate heat exchanger allows you to smoothly change the overall width of the channel. A decrease in the maximum value of permissible hydraulic losses is achieved by increasing the number of channels. Reducing hydraulic resistance reduces electricity consumption on pumps.

3. Efficiency, low labor costs and short repair times

Mounting costs often does not exceed 2-4% of the cost of equipment. Hearing and flushing of a plate heat exchanger Specialist can spend in a few hours. With small pollution, you can use a non-bleed flushing. The service life of PTO seals, with proper operation, reaches ten years, plates - 15-20 years. The cost of replacing all seals does not exceed 15-20% of the cost of the apparatus, and it is not necessary to change the entire package immediately.

4. Low pollutability

In the heat exchange plates, channel profiles are used, allowing to achieve high flow turbulence and as a result - self-cleaning. This allows you to increase the intervals between service.

5. Flexibility

The PTO design allows you to change the heat exchange surface to increase power. If you grow needs, you can add plates without replacing the entire device.

6. Individuality

Manufacturer's plant program, allows the specialist to make calculation and select the equipment configuration in accordance with the necessary temperature graphs and pressure losses on both contours. Calculation of time takes 1-2 hours. Even the heat carrier with a lowered temperature in heat supply systems allows you to heat the water in PTO to the desired temperature.

7. Resistance to vibrations

Plastic heat exchangers are highly resistant to the induced two-plane vibration, causing damage to the tubular heat exchanger.

The use of collapsible heat exchangers makes it possible to achieve cost reduction at 20-30% and more efficiently use energy sources, increasing their efficiency. The payback of PTOs in the heat energy ranges from 2 to 5 years, and in some cases it is achieved over several months.

Calculation of a plate heat exchanger

To find out the price and buy a plate heat exchanger, you need to fill out the questionnaire and send it by e-mail [Email Protected]website